
Need some financial advice

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      I know asking for financial advice is something you usually do with your parents (I’m 26 😛 ) or somesuch but mine are more clueless than me when it comes to this sort of thing. Basically I’m just kind of curious about credit and what I might could do to make mine better in the future…kind of encouraging PMs to talk about this in detail…but if anyone knows some good websites that explain

      “if you do this……this will happen
      if you do THAT…..that will happen”

      kind of thing, I’m welcome to that too…I just don’t know where to look for advice on this. I’ve been in a bad place for a long time, financially and Im ready to get out, finally, but I dont know the best way.


        First thing you should do is consult a financial advisor. The one I was refered to got me out of a $40K debt. It’s not going to necessarily be easy or fast, but it’s well worth the effort. And they would be in the best position to recommend how to improve your credit rating.

        I would advise that you not pick one off the classifieds, but to get a referal from someone you know, who’s got sound financial habits.


          My credit union has a finance guy that any member can make an appointment with to meet with and discuss finance and options and ways to work on debt and such. Call your bank or credit union up and see if they have anything like that there for you to get help with 🙂

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