Need some advice-Love & Marriage

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      Bear with me, my thoughts are quite scattered.

      If you want to cut to the chase, scroll down to the blue part

      Okay so I’m 23 (wow really?-scary) and I’m at that point in my life where all my friends (and even aquaintences and co-workers) are getting married or already married.
      Even the “younger” couple my boyfriend and I have recently decided to start hanging around (they are- I think- 21? My guy is barely 21 also, but I say younger because they both look like they are 14, and act younger also)
      They have been together 2 years and are engaged.

      I’ve been looking at every couple I can strike up a non creepy (lol) conversation with and asking myself what is motivating them to get married. The obvious answer is love, but that’s not always the case. I think sometimes infatuation is dressed up like love and it feels so good, no body bothers to stop and try to seperate the 2. I think some of the girls I know seem to think they’re trapped. Or are trying to escape their parents or family situation, and decide that they’ve found a guy they love that loves them back and so “hey, sure why not?” or even addition to that “…this is a way for me to gain some independence from Mom & Dad.”

      I really only know one couple that seem to be just made for eachother-soulmates. They are kind of my ideal, and I wouldn’t even want to know if they argue sometimes or aren’t all happy sappy squishy cute all the time-its nice to know that something in life has the potential to be perfect. They were high school sweet hearts (and I actually knew the guy in elementry school-and he was so different than what he is now…kinda funny) and the girl was a dear sweet friend of mine I met through a mutual friend in High School.

      I’ve had 2 serious relationships-the one I’m in now(almost 13 months), and another that lasted 4 years and was my high school sweet heart. He and I came from similar backgrounds, “social classes” and since we were together when I was *says dramtatically* young and impressionable, a lot of his personality has rubbed off on me. But I broke up with him (I’ll admit it-and I still feel kind of guilty about it) because we had problems and he wasn’t willing to work together to solve them or fix them. He would get all sweet and say he would do anything, but when it came down to it, he wouldn’t change or compromise with me.

      I was with another guy for about 3 months-and even though later I found out all sorts of bad things about him, those 3 months were so blissful-he liked my Windstone collection (since I’ve got over 100 of them, that’s a requirement!) he was a cat person, he liked being outside, he was super super clean (sounds weird, but not all guys are lol) he had Princess Mononoke on VHS TAPE (huge points there-I love that movie!) was computer savvy, has a sister (another weird semi requirement I have) he was (well I guess still is) a Taurus like me (I seem to get along best with other Tauri and Piscies), he had a heightened sense of smell like me, he had green eyes (another also weird requirement-my perfect guy has to have either blue or green eyes)
      I started hearing wedding bells. When I was with him I honestly didn’t care if there was anyone else out there-I was dead certain he was my (to quote Chi from Chobits) “Person just for me”. But obviously he wasn’t.

      I felt so betrayed by not only him (apparantly he met some woman online and moved out of state for her-after dumping me ON THE PHONE while I was visiting GB-now they’re married-on paper at least..after not even a year. He’d been talking to her while he was with me)
      but more so by my own emotions. I wasn’t sure how I could feel that way for someone so totally wrong for me.

      Since then, I’ve been feeling very confused about relationships. I feel like-if I can’t trust my feelings for someone, then what can I trust? Logic? What if logically two people would be great for each other, but the romance isn’t what it could be? As opposed to two people who are madly in love and think the world of each other, but who don’t have much in common?

      The person who’s just like you, but doesn’t know how to make relationships work, or the person who’s almost painfully different who knows “what it takes” and is willing to show you that?

      I know there are as many different kinds of couples, married or otherwise, as there are snowflakes, and so therefore, nothing is really “normal” so how could I be asking whats normal…..

      I guess maybe what I’m getting at is-those of you who are blissfully married (which seems like all of you that are indeed married-was it always that “top of the world” feeling, that butterflies in your stomache feeling at first? Or was it more of a slow, warm, happiness? When and or HOW did you know your husband/wife was the “person just for you”? Did the two of you ever live together? How long did you know each other before hand? How long did you date before becoming engaged?

      I guess time will answer all my questions. Maybe all this uncertainty will be gradually replaced by unchallanged certainty that “he’s the one” in a few years. And if not, I know the right person will come along.

      Maybe its dumb to be worrying over all this now anyway-a lot can change in 3-4 years….but at the same time, I wanna know if what Im feeling is “normal”. If something good could come from this later down the road, or if this road already has potholes and unstable paving-and you guys seem to subscribe to the same issue of reason I do, so I figured like minded people could offer better advice than some of the folks I know “in real life”.



          My husband and I met through a mutual while I was in college (Jan. 1998). At the time we met we were dating other people and (for the most part) were happy with them. We started talking and getting to know each other some. Sometime between Oct. and Dec. 1999 I realized things weren’t working out with the guy I was seeing, so I broke things off. Hubby had previously broken up with his girlfriend (but I didn’t know it or my ex would have been gone sooner).

          He found out I was single again and asked mutual friend’s fiancée (now ex-wife 😆 ) for my email address/AIM name. She passed them along and we started talking even more. By time the Dec. 31, 1999, rolled around we decided we wanted to start dating (all of this is long distance by the way!).

          We only get to see each other one or two weekends a month when we get together at our mutual friend’s house for role playing games, but we talked nearly every night either on the phone or via AIM/email.

          We got engaged (to my parent’s shock) Dec. 31, 2000, not long after hubby entered the army (he was on leave in between basic and AIT). Once that happened the phone calls were more infrequent, so we started writing actual letters. After AIT he got stationed to Germany for 2 years so it meant we couldn’t get married until June 2003.

          I can’t say when exactly (other than late August 2000) that I knew he was the one for me. Our relationship has always been on the slow, warm happiness side. How did I know he was the one for me? I know it sounds corny but, I felt like I had found my other half. We got along on almost everything, but could respect each others differences when we didn’t agree.


            Oh wow what a great post. Unfortunately I gotta run so I did skip to the blue part, but I’ma come back and read the rest! Can’t wait to see what everyone has to say about this 🙂


              I have lousy taste in men so I’m not much help. But the one person who I felt I was suppose to be with didn’t work out. There were things he wanted that I didn’t and vice versa. We’re still good friends, but our lives do match up at all.

              However, I think you have to work a relationship. There is no happily ever after and there will be fights. My aunt had one of those relationships that seemed perfect. He loved her and she loved him, but she said it wasn’t always good and sometimes you have to work at it to make it work. My uncle died in December, they were married for over 40 years. He carried a picture of her in his wallet from when she was in High School. It was the first picture she had given him, and he knew the first time he saw her that he wanted to marry her. Apparently he showed it to anybody to who would look.

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                Aww, Setsuna, that is so sweet about your Aunt and Uncle. It put a tear in my eye!

                Pegasi-if a relationship can survive long distance, even for a while (my ex was in the army too) I think in some ways that gives it strength-because you know you can be friends and actually talk without that physical connection.


                  I’m 37, you think you feel old…Fiance and I have been together 12 years now, and we’re getting married next year. We met through my ex-boyfriend in fact, though fiance is not a rebound, there was someone between the two of them that I was with for a year. So, we knew each other as friends for 5 years, we dated for 1 year before we moved in together…and here we are 12 years later (we got engaged last December on my birthday). It doesn’t seem that long but when I count the years, it’s like “OMG, have we really been together that long??” 😮 There have been up’s and down’s, just like every relationship I think, you have to learn to compromise (and to communicate) if you want it to last. Communication is the hard part for me, when I get upset, I get quiet, I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to listen, just leave me alone.

                  Honey, you’re still young. At 23, I had no idea where my life was headed but I did know that I wasn’t ready to commit to one person for the rest of my life. Think about that, one person for the rest of your LIFE. Even now it gives me the freaks sometimes but we’re so comfortable with one another that I don’t really think about it very often anymore. I think that we were lucky, we were friends before we dated so we knew that we had common interests, common likes and dislikes. Maybe he isn’t quite the fanatic I am about my Windstones and my books but he tolerates them, as long as we don’t go broke buying all this stuff. 😉 But we’re the same personality-wise, pretty much. We’ve found common ground that we can share and then we have things that belong just to each of us. He watches sports all year, I swear when hockey, baseball and basketball are all on a the same time, I don’t see him for days. But it works for us.

                  I think a combination of logic and heart are needed in any relationship. The falling in love, deep passionate feelings are wonderful to start. But there has to be something else there that will keep you together when you step out of the bedroom and deal with the real world. My last relationship was all passion and romance, but passion and endorphins only last so long, and we didn’t have enough outside of that to keep us going. Luckily we both realized that and ended in a way that we could still be friends.

                  So I guess that’s my two cents worth. Passion is great, but there had better be something else in the relationship to hold you together when that first rush fades. And again, your still really young in the grand scheme of things. Just because your friends are getting married and such doesn’t mean that you have to. Don’t rush in to anything that you may regret (or need a court order for).


                    I’m with Jasmine; passionate love can only take you so far.

                    I’ve been with Warp10 for 18 years now – we’re common-law. I was 18 when we met at university. We just clicked, that’s all I can really say. No, wow, pant-pant stuff. Matter of fact, the first thing I thought when I saw him was, wow, this guy has no neck. His reaction to me: who the heck is this weirdo!

                    So we got into it very quickly and naturally, without any huge romance stuff. Some things we needed to work out, but I can’t say we ever really had a huge fight or anything. Communication, open-mindedness and honesty are the key things in a relationship. If one of these things can’t be “satisfied”, the relationship might not make it – and for myself, personally, it’s not worth it, but that’s me. 13 months is not all that long, really, but you should know at this point if you could live with this guy. In a year, you’re bound to find out all a person’s boogaboos.

                    So take your time!

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      I have only been married for a little over a year, but when I agreed to marry my first husband just so I could stay by my current husband (even though we had NEVER dated or talked about a relationship) I should have realized something was up. All I can say is that whenever I think of him, see him, smell him, I smile and am content and just feel like I did something right. I love being with him. We have not even lived together yet, but we knew each other for 4 years before we married, and dated for 2 of them. I will say that my current husband is not my typical man. I used to have a requirment about my man being over 6ft tall…kinda like your blue or green eyes requirment… but my husband is only 5’10. When it comes down to it, it will not matter if your man has blue eyes or no eyes… when you really love him, that is just not note worthy.

                      As for your friends and all… most marriages end in divorce, over half. Statistically, the younger you marry, the more likely you are to get divorced. Before everyone who is 21 and married to their soul mate gets all irate, I am just stating statistics… YOU may be perfectly happy and stay together forever, but the MAJORITY of you will not. Why? Because people at this age are not done maturing and changing… the people you and your mate are now may not be as compatable as the people you will be in 8 years.

                      Dont be in a rush to get to the altar and learn to trust your head and your heart. I think common values and goals are what makes a relationship last… along with many other things, of course… but if your values and goals are not similar, there is no point even starting a relationship.


                        In August, Roddy and I will have 23 years of married-to-each-other life and we’ve had lots of ups and downs from giddy heights to complete dispair and everything in between. Through it all we’ve had each other. We didn’t get married to have children (tho’ they’ve been a great bonus!) nor did we marry for companionship. I guess what it boils down to is that Roddy is my “better half”. We complete each other – and don’t listen when folks try to tell you that marriage is 50/50. It ain’t. Sometimes it’s 75/25 and sometimes it can be 0/100 – but we committed to the long haul and mostly the good has outweighed the not so good 😀 Def wouldn’t trade it 😀

                        twindragonsmum 8)




                          I guess maybe what I’m getting at is-those of you who are blissfully married (which seems like all of you that are indeed married-was it always that “top of the world” feeling, that butterflies in your stomache feeling at first? Or was it more of a slow, warm, happiness? When and or HOW did you know your husband/wife was the “person just for you”? Did the two of you ever live together? How long did you know each other before hand? How long did you date before becoming engaged?

                          My husband and I were friends for eons before we ‘dated’ and finally married. Does anyone care about this stuff? Oh well– here I go telling it anyhow! Back in 1998 an online friend of mine introduced me to her online friend, and thus we became friends. Back then, almost all of my friends were online, since I live in a small town and didn’t really have many friends in school. Some years later he flew out a few times to visit me, and it was purely good friends fun time, we used to joke that we were long lost siblings. Eventually we were talking on the phone one time, as we tended to do nearly daily, and he slipped up accidentally that he loved me. He was so shy and worried that it’d wreck our friendship, but really it just made things fall into place. It was a slow, warm type of happiness, it sounds so corny but it was like a puzzle that came together, soul-mates kind of feeling.
                          We moved in together out of circumstance and lived with his parents for a while, then mine, since some bad times had fallen upon me and I didn’t have a penny to my name back then. The best part is that our friendship didn’t change at all, it only got closer. We are still all noogies and fart jokes and running around throwing stuff at each other to this day. We got married in 2007, mostly to make it official and keep taxes a bit less complicated and such, but it was only to make it official since in our hearts we were already bound/married/whatever.
                          Time has not decreased that feeling– it’s only made it stronger. People might laugh and think I’m a liar, but I am totally honest when I say that we don’t fight… when we are both feeling stressed/frustrated/whatever emotions that usually gets people into trouble and fight, then we fight in a different way. We play-fight, wrestle (in a completely G-rated way, you guys! I see your dirty minds working), wedgies, yes… act like 3rd graders fighting, and that gets all of it out of our systems then we just lay there, laughing… it’s great.

                          So, we have known each other 11 years, were friends for all those years. We became romantically involved for 5 of those years, lived together for 3.5 of those years, and have been married for 2.5 of those years. XD I hope that helps…! Oh, and I’m 27.

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                            Jasmine-Oh I know Im still young. I turned 23 back in May and I’m still surprised at my age. Kind of one of those “This is the oldest Ive ever been!” kind of moments lol I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that-I kept thinking about it on the commute back home. When I walked in and saw Josh’s eyes light up at seeing me, and after having all your kind words floating through my head, things seemed to make a lot more sense, and my head was much quieter.

                            Its nice to know, I guess that a lot of people wait 4, 5+ years before “making it official” as Jenn said. Because, like mentioned, everyone that’s roughly my age has gotten married very quickly. In fact, one of my friends whom I dont consider to be hot headed or spontanious (well as far as big things go) surprised me a little over a year ago when he said he was engaged-I had known him for about 4 years and didn’t even know he was dating anyone! He has a 9 month old daughter, and his wife is wanting a divorce 🙁 He has never been the happiest of people but now he’s facing a divorce and I worry about him. When he’s with his daughter though, he’s on cloud 9. Its pretty cute.

                            Did anyone feel like they were compromising any sort of dream by being with someone? Even if it was a “down the road” sort of dream?


                              WolfenMachine wrote:

                              Did anyone feel like they were compromising any sort of dream by being with someone? Even if it was a “down the road” sort of dream?

                              No. And if you do, to me, then it’s the wrong relationship.

                              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                                WolfenMachine wrote:

                                Did anyone feel like they were compromising any sort of dream by being with someone? Even if it was a “down the road” sort of dream?[/color]

                                No– quite the opposite. If anything, being with my husband has allowed me to start perusing my dreams, and he is very supportive. 🙂

                                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                                  I dont feel like I am compomising a dream. My husband knows what I would like to do, and while he does not really share my passion (animals) he is ready and willing to support it and listen to me talk about it. Same for him… he wants to be a pilot and maybe one day go work for NASA and go up in space. He is a pilot now, and while I dont share his desires, I can certainly share his interests. And Medley is Mos Def right.

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