Need opinions before I paint cheetah spots!

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        Ok, so I am working on 2 cheetah griffins – one for a forum member (they’ve been awol lately, so I hope they are ok and come back soon :(), the other to put up for offers.

        However, as I have been playing more with PYOs than my first one, I’d like some opinions. The top part of the griffin (where the feathers are), should I do this one the same as my first (though I’d change how I do the primaries I think) or do I carry the spots up through the feathers as well?

        My original, and first pyo for reference:

        I’ll run the poll for 5 days, since I have some other things to work on and will finish up over the next weekend (4th of July weekend).


          i can’t decide. i think if some extra markings were added to sooome of the feathers, it would really make it look nice, but not too manny. they really look good as they are. maybe just some light banding on a few?

          that is a VERY pretty griffin, i am very impressed.


          I wouldn’t change anything. I think if you add spots it would make the griffin too boring. The striped wings are nice and add a touch of flair to the piece without distracting from it. Very nicely done!


            Don’t change anything, they’re beautiful!!


            Maybe if you changed the barring on the primary feathers to the outside edges? Otherwise, he’s gorgeous!


              I voted don’t change anything. Maybe make the spots a bit larger on the feathers so they stand out more??? But I’m really not sure.

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                Ooooh, that’s handsome.

                I think some falcon-like streaks under the eyes, like a prarie falcon has could be quite nice, as it’s so similar to what cheetahs have.

                But really, the wings look clean and have a nice variety of patterns as they are. And each feather has a black mark, so I doubt you need more spotting there. I suppose you could make the primaries barred if you wished, but that’s far from essential.

                Tiny adjustments couldn’t hurt, but he’s truly nice as he is.


                I really like what you did with the flight feathers on this griffin, even though they’re striped not spotted. They also make a nice “bridge” between the spots and the crescent-shaped markings on the body feathers. For myself, I like the crescents. They follow the shape of the feathers and accentuate the way they sweep along the neck and over his shoulders.

                It could be rather hard to get the same effect when doing spots on the body feathers. You might be able to make it work by doing them as something like eyespots on the ends of the large body feathers and maybe small double spots on the smaller feathers running down his sides and chest, to match them to the cat half. I think that little spots all over might be too busy. As it is, the difference in the size of the black markings from the spots to the crescents makes the whole griffin very pleasant to look at. 🙂 He’s a lovely griffin!


                  I think if you spotted the wings it might become too busy all over with spots and take away from the excitement of the lower body. I agree that maybe some barrng that looks semi-similar to the body feathers would be nice, otherwise, I love it. Maybe a dash of cheetah eye stripes somewhere in the face. Very nice siberkh!!! Great job! I need a PYO from you sometime too 😉

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                    I wouldn’t change a thing. The different patterns of the wings, bum and neck are all nice transitions from one part to the next. What a pretty griffin! Very, very well done! I love cheethas 😉 .


                    I picked I wouldn’t change a thing! 😀 This griffin is wonderful! I love the big cat Griffs everyone is doing! *Peeks over at her Tiger Griff from Serenity* I really like this cheetah ALOT! I think the wings are lovely, and that the way they are doesn’t detract attention from the primary Cheetah body. *claps hands* Wonderful job Siberakh1!! 😀 😀


                    Change the primaries if you want to change anything, but I wouldn’t carry the spots up into the feathers. He’d be too monotone.


                      I wouldn’t change a thing either. That’s a very nice griffin!


                      I don’t think you should change anything. It’s very nice just the way it is. I’d be afraid of making it too busy.

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