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  • #503224

    Hello, Windstoners!
    I am in a bit of a pinch because I bought something requiring fairly immediate payment and my credit card ends up not having as much cash left on it as I thought. Bank transfer to the card or PayPal will take too long. So I’m offering up the following sculpts for sale at reduced prices.
    As always, layaway is an option (I don’t think I’m missing much cash for the purchase in question) and feel free to make offers if you think my prices are too high or you can fanangle a better deal.. 😉
    We can split shipping costs.

    Emerald Riser – MWT – $300
    Red Fire Riser – MWTIB – $240
    Emerald Peacock Sitter – MWTIB – $150
    Peacock Riser – slight damage (wingtips were broken and reglued) – $160
    Peacock Sitter – slight damage, no box – $110
    Black Sunset Male Griffin – MWTIB – $115

    Large individual pictures can be found in my Photobucket account.

    If you see anything that’s not listed that you’d like, drop me a line!

    Thanks in advance for your help!


      Good luck with your sale, GB! I thought you had sold off ALL of your Windstones. Glad to see you still have some left ^_^


      Well, the collection has shrunk considerably since its heyday. And I’ll never have no Windstones, as there are some that I’m simply not selling…
      But thanks! And it’s great to see you again, even if it’s only your avatar.


        GB, I’m on Skype pretty regularly if Im home, under the name WolfenMachine if you ever wanna chat ^_^ I keep an eye out for you!

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