
Need help testing form..

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        I just built a new form for my website, and was hoping you guys could me help test it out. The link is:
        If you get a minute, just enter some random info and hit submit. Don’t use your real name or email or anything. I just want to see if this form will function properly for other people (it does for me). The results are sent to my personal email, so please don’t enter anything important in the message area either, just random letters, or whatever.

        If the form detects an error, it should redirect you to a page listing the error, and providing a link to go back to the form. Clicking the link should return you to the form with any text you entered still in place. If the form submission is successful, you should be directed to a page saying it worked.

        Thanks a bunch to anyone who finds some time for this!

        EDIT: If you encounter something called a “system error” when submitting the form, that is bad. It may be caused if you enter an email address with strange characters, like semicolons (which isn’t so bad), but if not…. then there is something very wrong in my code somewhere


        Gave it a whirl–worked fine for me! πŸ™‚


          Gave it a try as well. No problems for me.


            I got a “your message has been sent” message so I assume it worked for me, too.


            Hit it for ya too Pam. πŸ˜€ Worked just fine for me. πŸ˜‰


              Looks like it worked for me as well! πŸ™‚

              Crimson Vision

                Did a test entry too; looks like it worked for me!


                  All seemed to go smoothly.


                    When I inputed the phone number as 555-555-5555 (or 5555555555, can’t remember if I used hyphens or not), got an error message when sending, but worked once I left that field empty. No sure if it wanted the “1” or if it doesn’t accept 5s or my formating was wrong πŸ˜•


                      I’m guessing you were “Jane Doe” of “addkfd@yahoo.com”.
                      When you submitted the form you had included a semicolon in your email addy, which caused the form to panic and not work.


                        Yes, I noticed that mistake. But I thought I submitted again after the fix and once again got the error message. I’d almost swear on it, but if you have a log of every attempt and nothing came up, then maybe I dreamed it. πŸ˜• Doesn’t matter I guess if everyone else’s phone numbers went through fine. πŸ™‚


                        sent you some blah’s lol and it worked all fine for me πŸ™‚


                          Lokie wrote:

                          Yes, I noticed that mistake. But I thought I submitted again after the fix and once again got the error message. I’d almost swear on it, but if you have a log of every attempt and nothing came up, then maybe I dreamed it. πŸ˜• Doesn’t matter I guess if everyone else’s phone numbers went through fine. πŸ™‚

                          The nice thing about the error logs is that they also show me what info a person submitted when they got the error. I resubmitted all the info you had and got the same error you did. It went through as soon as I deleted the “;” in the email.

                          I also got rid of captcha in favor of a math question, which I find to me much more user friendly than captchas.

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