Need help contacting an ebay seller

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    I´m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I will try anyway.

    Is someone here who could contact the ebay seller “rockiit” for me to ask if she (?) would ship to Germany and how much it would approximately cost?
    As far as I know she is not a member of the forum.

    It´s for this auction:

    I would only need for you to contact and ask her if she would be ok with international shipping, she could then send her answer to me directly ( myu-myu (at) gmx (dot) de )

    I tried to contact her myself about shipping and to send her an offer for her auction but both were instantly blocked by ebay because her auction is set to US only…But in my experience a lot of people are willing to ship international if I ask.
    I would be very grateful if someone here could help me :love:

    Thank you!


      Well, I tried. Can’t guarantee success though.


        Maybe someone here could buy them for you then you pay them back . Someone from here in the US . People are nice and helpful here .


          If she isn’t willing to ship to Germany, I’d be willing to go as a go between. I’ve picked items up for members here in the states and shipped overseas before.


          Thank you very much etruscan!
          And thank you for your offer, siberakh1.
          I just saw that the auction has been ended with buy it now by someone else so the problem just solved itself … 🙁

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