
Need clarifiation of SILVER vs. SLATE Unicorns

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Need clarifiation of SILVER vs. SLATE Unicorns

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      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


        Hey Melody,
        It’s been suggested to me I ask you to clarify this for us. Personally, I was under the impression you created the Slates first but then something happened and you created the Silvers to take over the Slates. Maybe it’s in my (mis)understanding of the description, I don’t know exactly how I came to the conclusion.

        For the person I shop for (or look for piece for… my cuz), she prefers the Slates. But she has seen the Silver up against a Slate in person. Minor differences but she still prefers the Slates. When the Mother came out, we were all under the assumption you’d stopped the Slates and were continuing them as Silvers, for whatever reason. Which is why we bought the Silver Mother… and then in a day or 2 after that, the Slate version came on the scene. Her Silver’s horn was damaged and came back to you and is recovering in the Windstone vet’s office as we’re told. If the transplant takes, she’ll be shipped back to us. But had we known, we’d have held out for the Slate.

        Will there be both Slate Unicorns AND Silver Unicorns, or has one colour indeed, replaced the other? Want to be sure you are going to do the Young and Grand Unicorns in both Slate and Silver. Will you, eventually? Right now, if/when the Mother returns home, we will have 2 silver unicorns, and one slate. Assuming you’ll be doing the Young and Grand, we’d really love them to buy them in Slate as to balance out the unicorn family.

        Thank you!

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


          Sway wrote:

          Hey Melody,
          It’s been suggested to me I ask you to clarify this for us. Personally, I was under the impression you created the Slates first but then something happened and you created the Silvers to take over the Slates. Maybe it’s in my (mis)understanding of the description, I don’t know exactly how I came to the conclusion.

          For the person I shop for (or look for piece for… my cuz), she prefers the Slates. But she has seen the Silver up against a Slate in person. Minor differences but she still prefers the Slates. When the Mother came out, we were all under the assumption you’d stopped the Slates and were continuing them as Silvers, for whatever reason. Which is why we bought the Silver Mother… and then in a day or 2 after that, the Slate version came on the scene. Her Silver’s horn was damaged and came back to you and is recovering in the Windstone vet’s office as we’re told. If the transplant takes, she’ll be shipped back to us. But had we known, we’d have held out for the Slate.

          Will there be both Slate Unicorns AND Silver Unicorns, or has one colour indeed, replaced the other? Want to be sure you are going to do the Young and Grand Unicorns in both Slate and Silver. Will you, eventually? Right now, if/when the Mother returns home, we will have 2 silver unicorns, and one slate. Assuming you’ll be doing the Young and Grand, we’d really love them to buy them in Slate as to balance out the unicorn family.

          Thank you!We called the first test batch of Grulla unicorns “slates” because they were darker than the following batch I painted. They were supposed to all be the same color… I didn’t realize that they were so much darker until I compared the two batches side by side.
          So, since there are different shades of grulla colored horses, we named the first ones after the darker color, “Slate”. I made a small batch of slate females to go with the slate males, but I didn’t intend to make a lot of them, and I am planning to continue the silver grulla color… but if there are enough requests I could make more Slate ones. We have no unicorn castings right now however, so this would be in the future .


            Melody wrote:

            We called the first test batch of Grulla unicorns “slates” because they were darker than the following batch I painted. They were supposed to all be the same color… I didn’t realise that they were so much darker until I compared the two batches side by side.
            So, since there are different shades of grulla colored horses, we named the first ones after the darker color, “Slate”. I made a small batch of slate females to go with the slate males, but I didn’t intend to make allot of them, and I am planning to continue the silver grulla color… but if there are enough requests I could make more Slate ones. We have no unicorn castings right now however, so this would be in the future .

            Yes please make more Slate unicorns! I was lucky enough to get a male and female but no baby. 🙁


            I too would love to see more slate Unicorns. 🙂


              Me to! I missed all of the batches of the Slate unicorns 😳 . I’d like to have the baby unicorn done in that color 😀 .


                no more unicorns 🙁 Darn. I really wanted a young to complete my gruella family. And a grand unicorn would look amazing in gruella. I guess i’ll just have to be patient 😀


                I lucked out and caught the silver parents in-store, but have no young of either color. I’d like to get at least a baby and young of either color to complete the family. (Ideally I’d like a family of each, of course!)When there are unis available, of course. No point in demanding people paint non-existent sculptures, after all – it gets paint all over the desk.


                  I still want to get the whole family of them and I think I would prefer the darker ones so I believe those are the slate ones, Melody….if you do make anymore of the SLATE Grulla Unicorns I would for sure get get them… 😉 to add them to my other two families of Unicorns… 😀 😉



                    Slate, please (someday). I would hate to think that I missed the only State unicorns ever because I foolishly was doing something besides watch the Windstone website all the time …


                      Please do make more Slate colored Grulla unicorns. I want to complete my family in that color.
                      I need the baby and a young. Will you be doing any Grand unicorns in the slate or the silver?
                      Can we look for them in the future? squeek*

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