
Need advice on my lamp shaded pooch *Pics Added* 4/11

Home Forums Miscellany Community Need advice on my lamp shaded pooch *Pics Added* 4/11

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  • #558041

      Awwwww! Hehehe Good luck with the staples getting removed!


      Cute. Hopefully that one doesn’t come off as easy. Hope everything goes well.


        What a beautiful golden retriever. That looks way more comfy than one of the plastic lampshades.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


        Nice dog, asinnamon. Excuse the naive question, but what’s a lamp shade for?


          To keep the animal from biting or licking any kind of wound on thier body. It’s called an Elizabethian collar but it looks like a lamp shade 😀


          Oh. Did asinnamon ever say how her dog was injured?


            She had a tumor removed.


            Yup, 3 tumors. I can’t wait until Friday!! She’ll be so happy to be rid of her donut!!

            Thanks, she really is a beautiful golden. She looks like a show dog, I can’t imagine how she ever ended up in rescue!!


              It realy makes you wonder. Our local pound puts on a show on our local access tv channel of all the cats and dogs up for adoption and so many of them are spayed and neutered already so you know they were once loved.


              Or they have already been thru a shelter….


                Sometimes the poor things end up in shelters because their owners are older folks that are forced to go into assisted living or a nursing home. I wish those places could take pets. It’s heartbreaking for the owner and the pet. 🙁

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