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      setsunawolf wrote:

      I heard good things about your art at Gen Con as well. Some of the other artists who did that new animal deck that you did those two cards for were impressed. 🙂

      I know most of those folks! Do you recall their names? 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        That’s why when I commission something I give the artist ‘artistic freedom’. I have an idea and colors but I convey that to the artist and see what visions they come up with. I find it relaxes both parties and in the end, the result is fantastic! Although some want what they want and if a color isn’t where they want it, they won’t accept it. I guess that can be hard on some artists who see a different vision. But I look forward to seeing Jen’s work after she takes this break and ‘improves’ (yeah right, like the Mona Lisa needs to be redone) her techniques.

        All the best to you, Jen! 😀


          Jennifer wrote:

          if I don’t take a break and start doing some of my own ideas for a while I’m going to start hating art. And that’s not a good thing.

          I hear you. I go through the same thing. I get to the point where I starting telling family that if they bring me anymore messed up cars or computers or anything that I will go insane, I want to work on my own projects. But at the same time, if I don’t do it for them, then they screw it up and I have more to fix. Just a couple days ago one of my younger brothers wired up an outlet for a welder. I went out to see why it wouldn’t work. Turns out it was wired incorrectly (duh) but it also had the wrong wire size. Had they got it going it would have eventually burnt up and burnt down the garage.

          So I got the right parts and fixed it up.. but yeah.. always doing things for everyone else, never for myself.

          Somedays I wish I was STUPID. STUPID STUPID STUPID .. then I wouldn’t stress out thinking I can solve the world’s problems. I’m constantly trying to make things work BETTER. Had you noticed? Nooo… probably not 😛 😛 😀


            Adraenyse wrote:

            Jennifer wrote:

            if I don’t take a break and start doing some of my own ideas for a while I’m going to start hating art. And that’s not a good thing.

            I hear you. I go through the same thing. I get to the point where I starting telling family that if they bring me anymore messed up cars or computers or anything that I will go insane, I want to work on my own projects. But at the same time, if I don’t do it for them, then they screw it up and I have more to fix. Just a couple days ago one of my younger brothers wired up an outlet for a welder. I went out to see why it wouldn’t work. Turns out it was wired incorrectly (duh) but it also had the wrong wire size. Had they got it going it would have eventually burnt up and burnt down the garage.

            So I got the right parts and fixed it up.. but yeah.. always doing things for everyone else, never for myself.

            Somedays I wish I was STUPID. STUPID STUPID STUPID .. then I wouldn’t stress out thinking I can solve the world’s problems. I’m constantly trying to make things work BETTER. Had you noticed? Nooo… probably not 😛 😛 😀

            We love you Snap! I have noticed the forum seems to run faster/smoother recently. I know you do a lot of stuff behind the sceens that we may never see, but we appreciate you!

            And you too Jen! We all LOVE your work, and if I had the extra money I’d so do an open commission from you, I’d be like “Lots of greens, everything else is up to you! =P” I’d love to see what you’d come up with! hehe

            Anyway don’t ever feel down and out, either of you! And good luck making progress in whichever field you’re in!


              I want to get my pilot’s licence.

              F— computers.

              That’s the point I’m at.

              I’m going flying in a week or so. We’ll see how it goes.


                Adraenyse wrote:

                I want to get my pilot’s licence.

                You and me both!
                I can’t afford the lessons. The husband got in 5 or 6 before we ran out of pilot-lessons money. Damnit.

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  Darn it huh?

                  The entire bit is about $7400 here start to finish.


                    I STILL love the commission I got from Nam ages ago. Tons of my friends love it too 🙂

                    But on that note, your watercolor wildlife pictures are amazing. I’m in awe when I see them. I wish I could work watercolors like you.


                    Adraenyse wrote:

                    I want to get my pilot’s licence.

                    F— computers.

                    That’s the point I’m at.

                    I’m going flying in a week or so. We’ll see how it goes.

                    Nice! I was working on it a couple years ago; never did get to the point of being ready to solo, though. Flying small planes is fun, but soon after I decided I had more to see on the ground.


                      Well, I can remember getting ON a plane when I was two.
                      Beyond that, never been up.

                      We’re actually flying to Las Vegas on Nov 11th .. and either a couple days before, or a couple days after, I’ll be going up in a Mooney with a friend to check it out.

                      We’ll see if I freak or make brown spots.
                      I handle speed very well, up to about 220 km/h .. then I get a bit jittery, my legs will lock up. Mooney flys up to 160 km/h.


                      A Mooney? I seem to remember they make a sort of “backwards plane,” but I can’t find evidence of that. *goes off to google*



                        Not quite what I meant… 😆


                          Heh, i wasn’t trying to be a smartass, that is the actual plane the club owns.

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