Nail polish?

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      Sooo, I have this really pretty duo-chrome nail polish that I love and think would look really cool on the scales of a PYO(thinking either a Ki-rin or dragon), so I was curious if that would work on the material of a PYO, has anyone tried it before? Is there any tips I should be aware of?

      *Formerly meowmix101
      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


        You can try it, but be aware that nail polish is a lacquer, and may bubble or peel over time depending on the environmental conditions. Gypsum likes to breathe, which lacquers, enamels, and oil based paints don’t allow too well. It is usually okay as an accent might might cause problems in the long term if applied over large areas.

        You can do it, but it’s “at your own risk”.
        Best wishes!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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          Hmmmm, that stinks that there may be some bad long term effects! I think I may have to find another way to get the nifty color effect I want, I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good PYO!

          Thanks Jennifer!

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


            It might be okay in small areas! We don’t really know for sure. If you want to share the color with us, we can try to figure out how best to match it. Does the manufacturer have a photo online?

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              The polish is called ‘It’s raining men’ by SpaRitual, It’s this really pretty light blue polish that has a Pink/yellow duo-chrome. To me, it looks just like the sky when dusk begins, When the blue of the sky has pink and yellow clouds from the setting sun. It’s so pretty in person, I have a photo of it on my nails but it does not do it any justice!

               photo rocks021-1.jpg

              I was thinking maybe using some pink and yellow interference pigments over a blue base might give off a similar effect, what do you think? Could that work?

              *Formerly meowmix101
              Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                The polish is called ‘It’s raining men’ by SpaRitual, It’s this really pretty light blue polish that has a Pink/yellow duo-chrome. To me, it looks just like the sky when dusk begins, When the blue of the sky has pink and yellow clouds from the setting sun. It’s so pretty in person, I have a photo of it on my nails but it does not do it any justice!

                 photo rocks021-1.jpg

                I was thinking maybe using some pink and yellow interference pigments over a blue base might give off a similar effect, what do you think? Could that work?

                It is probably safe to use lacquer paint, like nail polish, in smallish spots, because the gypsum can breathe around it( the gold spots on production dragons are painted with lacquer metallic paint and it generally doesn’t cause problems)
                But I wouldn’t try painting the entire piece with it.


                  The polish is called ‘It’s raining men’ by SpaRitual, It’s this really pretty light blue polish that has a Pink/yellow duo-chrome. To me, it looks just like the sky when dusk begins, When the blue of the sky has pink and yellow clouds from the setting sun. It’s so pretty in person, I have a photo of it on my nails but it does not do it any justice!

                   photo rocks021-1.jpg

                  I was thinking maybe using some pink and yellow interference pigments over a blue base might give off a similar effect, what do you think? Could that work?

                  That’s a tough one! If I were to try to replicate this, I’d mix a light bluegrey color, like the base of the polish, and into this mix a little interference gold. I’d base coat with this color once I got it right (I’d have to be sure to mix enough), let it dry, and then mix some interference red/pink with a clear binder such as the GAC 100 or something similar, so that there is just a little bit of interference suspended in the clear acrylic, and then build up a few thin layers of that until it looked close. You probably won’t be able to match it exactly, but if you got close and then accented with your polish I bet it’d be pretty!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Oooh, I like your idea! Thanks so much for the tips, I can’t wait to try it out, I think it will look so pretty on the scales! I’ll definitely post pics of the results when I finally get to it!

                    *Formerly meowmix101
                    Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                      I have to agree, I think nail polish would either destroy the statue, or it will just flake away and dull over time.


                      I know how to duplicate this color! Jacquard Lumiere makes an acrylic paint that has the right color shift to achieve this look in a two-step process. The base coat you can use any acrylic/airbrush paint.

                      The important color is the “HI-Lite” Red. Link:

                      This red actually has a rosy golden hue to it when used on lighter base colors. the darker the base color, the more red will shine through. I think that will give you the look you are wanting. ^_^


                        Oooooh, that would be awesome! I’ve got but some of this stuff next time I make a DickBlick order, which should be soon! Thanks for the idea, sounds like a winner!

                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.

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