
Myspace application own your friends

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        So hubby got me all wrapped up in this new thing on myspace where you can buy and sell your friends. Has anyone else tried it? Its pretty fun. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=361263053


        Well, eaglefeather owns me, but I don’t seem to be able to own anyboy else… 😕


        I must have missed this one! It’s pretty fun, and a few of my myspace friends (including purpledoggy) own me!

        Hehe GB, I rigged it so that you can’t own anybody!! (I’m kidding) 😆


        Ah, all your fault! 😛
        I need to look at it again. Maybe I can buy some friends this time.


          Eaglefeathers owns me too, but when I checked it out it said I had to download something to access it. I dislike downloading things from myspace to my computer, so I won’t do it. So, I’m not really sure what it’s all about.

          I never really go on myspace anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. But I’m a bit curious.


            emerald212 wrote:

            Eaglefeathers owns me too, but when I checked it out it said I had to download something to access it. I dislike downloading things from myspace to my computer, so I won’t do it. So, I’m not really sure what it’s all about.

            Ditto. Someone here owns me (Purpledoggy, I think), and I’d like to see what it’s all about… but I hate all these things that make you download something or register for their site just to see what they’re talking about. Show me first, and then I’ll consider putting your junk on my computer. Blah.


              Yeah, I deleted the one on mine. No offense meant at all, but I didnt want to download anything… that and I am high maintenance so anyone who owned me would be broke within a week…


                I didn’t have to download anything I just clicked add application to my myspace and that was that.


                Well, PD originally owned me, but Eagle bought me! I have to remember to buy people..lol


                I bought emerald and two others… I don’t remember who. You don’t have to register for the application or download anything to your computer to have this app. I would’t have added it otherwise.

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