
Myan Calendar Pondering

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    OK so this is something that is on my mind in the strangest way and I just thought I’d see what others think.

    I went to mexico, Myan Riviera, recently and spent some time at the Coba Ruins and also with a beautiful tribe of Myan People in their village. I had the chance to ask what the Myans believe the end of the calendar means and I was told that it will be a time of great change. NOT the end. It will be a beginning of positive things to come and that the people there are getting ready to celebrate the impending date.

    I as a mother of 4 children so desperately want to hold onto all that they told me and that the world will in fact move into a “Better” time and a more positive future but…….

    Does anyone else have a niggling doubt and worry for what may come????? I know that many people probably do not even give it a passing thought or have no belief in any of it at all and that is totally OK with me. My question is to those who may be like me out there ( I can’t possibly be alone in my thoughts can I ) …..wondering if there is anything to this, should we worry, should we celebrate? My mind has this nagging voice in the depths of it saying “But what if” !!! My concern is not for myself…it is for my 4 beautiful children that I swore to protect and guide and teach on the day I brought them into this world. I am not a doomsday prepper or any of that. Simply a mom pondering the future for my children as any mother out there can understand.

    I am just curious what others think of this as this date draws ever closer.

    Please feel free to disregard my rambling but if you feel like sharing I would like to know what others think and feel on this subject.


      I look at it this way – calendars end. They had to pick a date when they created the calendar and I’m pretty sure that December 2012 seemed pretty far away when they designed the Mayan calendar. 🙂

      There are loads of prophecies depicting the end of the world and to date, the world is still around. Life is ALWAYS uncertain. I certainly didn’t expect last year to find out my father had cancer and to lose him just over 4-months later. The end of your “world” can happen at any time without warning.

      All you can ever do is your best to prepare for the future, embrace the present, and learn lessons from the past. 🙂

      So, I don’t expect I’ll be doing anything differently at the end of the Mayan calendar than I would expect to any other day – caring for my family, dealing with whatever challenges life throws at us, and trying to enjoy our time together because the world is always changing. 🙂


        Yeah I have been wondering too as the date gets closer. I don’t think it will be the end of the world, but something big will happen. I know things may get silly closer to the presidental election….

        Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
        Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
        Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


          I don’t think it’s going to be any different than any other day, honestly. How many other doomsday predictions have we lived through? There’s nothing to them.

          And look at it this way, let’s say for arguments sake that it is going to be the “end of the world”. There’s nothing you, or any other mom/person, can do about it, so you might as well just enjoy your last few months and really let your kids know that you love them.

          Conversely, if we decide to believe that things will get better afterwards, then just think of it as something to look forward to (though I wouldn’t get my hopes up).


          I like to think that there are no ends. Only beginnings.


            Dec 21 new beingings . Just a new turn . Nothing more . Enough good people and it will bring in a new better time . The end is not near .


              I often read the Nasa website . This is what they say about it: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/jpl-asteroid20120307.html


                There was a Mayan exhibition in Toronto recently and the translation is similar to the NASA one. It’s pretty easy to get in the downward “this-is-the-end” mindset, but as others here have mentioned, it’s just like turning the page on a paper calendar.

                When I was little, I always wondered about the fuss of New Year’s Eve. I expected the world to look and feel different the next day. It never did.

                I think that in the case of the Mayans maybe they just ran out of room on the stone.

                I’m going to take the positive approach and think of it as a time of renewal. i also think that the more people we can get to think good thoughts both on and about that date, the better the day will be.

                Life is beautiful.


                  It will be the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. But that happens every winter solstice. For the Mayans, it would have been the longest day of the year because they were in the southern hemisphere, but only marginally so since most Mayans lived very close to the equator.


                    Aw man, this used to freak me out soooo much and at times, it still does (‘cus I’m paranoid) but I think that this is something which shouldn’t get as much attention as it does. It’s a fact that people have been making doomsday predictions for thousands of years and all of those doomsdays thus far have come to pass with nothing at all happening except maybe a few people using it as an excuse to get obscenely drunk. Anyone remember all the panic about Y2K in 1999? The year 2000 came and nothing happened.

                    So, when nerves get the best of me, I remember the lyrics of a very upbeat song by Great Big Sea about the subject (which I can’t currently remember the exact name of), particularly one line:

                    “It’s the end of the world *as we know it*” – doesn’t necessarily mean END end, just a change! 😀 (And, I’m hoping good change. If you really think about it, the world is ALWAYS ending or beginning in some way for some one. 🙂 )

                    Then I think of this and laugh:


                    Ultimate reassurance. 🙂

                    Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                      Every moment of your life, the world ends as you once knew it; it is constantly changing and never the same at all. Through routine we feel as if we are plodding along in the same path all the time, but if you really look at the world and the universe around us, it isn’t so.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                      One author writing about apocalypse scenarios really stood out to me. He wrote that throughout history most religions believed in cycles of change rather than cycles of endings. Those religions that espoused an end of the world scenario set that point so far in the future that no one would ever have to worry about it, or left it so vague that it could be never. Real fixation on an end of the world scenario didn’t start until after the European settlement of North America. As people built a new world over the devastation of the plagues that wiped out so many of the natives they walked into villages and towns completely abandoned by all but the corpses of those who had come before and developed a fixation on the ending of their own society that has persisted to this day. By building on top of an apocalypse, but trying to erase it form their history, they cemented the concept of unspeakable endings so firmly in the minds of their children that it has never faded.


                        LOVE that cartoon! 😀

                        I have a friend who’s an acheologist at the University and apparently the whole department thinks the whole thing is hilarious. I have to agree. I’m sure when they did up the calendar, 2012 was an awfully long way off! 😉

                        Dec 21 is my birthday and for me this year it will definately mark a turning point. I should be done my practicum around that time and on my way to fulltime employment in my new career! A definate turn around from the last few difficult years :bigsmile:


                          Bring it on!We can handle it! 😉 :bigsmile: Ain’t scared :p

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                            Agreed! And that was very interesting to learn Amiyusesha, I hadn’t heard that! 😀

                            …I need that comic on my fridge XD it’s so excellent.

                            Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/


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