My Windstone poem.

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    It sounds like you both need new jobs. πŸ˜•


      Actually, work right now is not so bad. My boss is on leave, though the cause is very sad. He had to go home because of family problems. His nephew has apparently been battling cancer his whole life and the family has decided to let him pass. He is only 14. I feel for my boss right now, though moreso for this poor boy I have never met. Its times like this I wish I could fix everything. No one deserves to die at 14.


        That is so sad. He’s so young. It just doesn’t seem right. πŸ˜₯


          I’n so sorry to hear this but I know what the famliy and young man are going thru and it’s not easy. Great now I’m gettting all teary eyed again, thinking about my mom


            I feel sympathetic for him now, but it’s no excuse for him being a prick


              Oh I know that. The two are not related. He is a prick all the time. I just kinda feel bad kicking him while he is down, though I dont forsee him coming here and finding this πŸ˜†


              That would be weird. 😯


                Im moving along
                in this world by myself.
                My forum days dwindle
                but I’ll visit in stealth.

                There are only a couple
                of folks I wont miss.
                The liar and the whiner
                up a rope they can piss.

                I wish you all well
                good health and long life
                Happy sniping, no griping
                lots of luck and no strife.

                No car probs, or lay offs
                No tumors, or dying
                I hope your art sells
                without you even trying.

                You guys are a treasure
                and I’ll be around.
                This is the sweetest,
                best forum i’ve found.

                There is no way I
                could leave altogether.
                I just need a break,
                so this is not forever.

                Love you guys.


                  πŸ™‚ I’ve always loved your poetry hon, take care while you’re in stealth. πŸ˜‰


                    bye bye ode for Sky

                    ’tis a time to say goodbye
                    to the gal who made time fly
                    not spiteful, not ever
                    sometimes she is clever
                    oh my! oh my! bye bye my sky

                    I miss the very thought of you
                    with out you we won’t have a clue
                    you’ll see us yonder
                    directionless wander
                    without our glue, we’ll be so blue

                    by smelling her presence I only think
                    her flatulence is beond green (it’s pink)
                    when Sky is gone
                    we’ll see the dawn
                    but still we will be missing a link

                    come back soon, ya hear!!


                    Sure… what BRoS said… πŸ˜†



                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      Ditto everybody else’s replies. You’re being missed, Ski. πŸ™




                      Your poem was great, and BroS’ poem was great too! πŸ˜€ I will miss you! πŸ™

                    Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 500 total)
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