My Windstone poem.

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      Thanks, Ski!


      Ski and BRoS, you’re constantly outdoing each other! Great talent! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


      laphon1 wrote:

      I don’t know if we are supposed to make something out of our own quotes…but at least this isn’t too serious

      “Sometimes the Dragon Wins”

      The Tale of the Cowardly Dragon

      The dragon returned to the town
      To find he’d been heaped with reknown.
      The princess, on her knees
      Said, “Marry me please!”
      His cowardly past he’d lived down.

      I love this one πŸ˜† 8)


        Dracomancer wrote:

        i actually read every page of thos topic last night…my laughing woke up my roommate >.>

        so you like the laughs, I’ll try and make a funny one for you

        always speak politely to a dragon

        I once saw a knight,
        He wanted to fight,
        It was sheer delight,
        He knew not my might
        Even by my sight
        He kouldn’t see the light
        He didn’t show no fright
        His brow was bright
        Quite an elegant dude

        β€˜twas a pity though,
        said the dragon as he used the knight’s rib as a toothpick


          That was a good one!!! πŸ˜€


            I got a new kitty
            I just want to kill it
            then skin it and gut it
            and stuff it and fill it.

            It bites and it hisses
            it growls and it scrathes
            i’d set it on fire
            if I had any matches.

            My both hands are covered
            in thin bloody scabs
            a gift from the kittys
            exuberant grabs.

            If that mean crapper
            hisses at me one more time
            im gonne thrown him in the oven
            with some salt, sage, and thyme.

            Its mother has never
            told him not to spit,
            he lunges right at me
            that mean little Sh…butthead.

            What that cat just dont know
            is im meaner than him.
            I will make him like me
            cuz I always win.


            Hahaha! I shouldn’t read this stuff in the office. πŸ˜† Have at him, Ski! And good luck.


              Yeah. I agree. I hope my students don’t come to visit while I’m sitting in my office chuckling (my office echoes and it’s sort of creepy). πŸ˜†


              We have a little black cat that I got as a feral kitten. My daughter saw her eyes glowing in our garage one night. Who knows how long she had been there.
              It was months before I could get close enough to touch her with out scaring her off. I started out just leaving food out where she could get it and than leaving her alone. Than I would stay in the garage while she ate and gradually worked my way up to sitting close and eventually petting her lightly. Each step took weeks!
              She has now been a house cat for 11 years but she still prefers to stay out of sight and still runs from men πŸ™‚


                Okay, almost snorted my tea up my nose. You should put warnings on these :). When my cat starts to play too rough, I just tap him on the nose and he knows to quit. Oh I miss my kitties…I miss being home…okay only one more week…


                  OMG! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That’s a true poem methinks!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    purplecat wrote:

                    OMG! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That’s a true poem methinks!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                    ????? what does that word mean??? methinks, is that “Yoda” language for I think?


                      BRoS wrote:

                      purplecat wrote:

                      OMG! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That’s a true poem methinks!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                      ????? what does that word mean??? methinks, is that “Yoda” language for I think?

                      πŸ˜† Yeah, basically. It’s like a Wm. Shakespeare version or something. As in, “Methinks he protests too much.” Like when you hit pretty close to home about someone with a comment and they protest it a lot — proving you are right.


                        I still think that my boss is far worse than your cat(s)

                        you think that you’ve got it bad
                        but I know a far worse lad
                        my boss is no cubid
                        keeps calling me stupid
                        so often it’s driving me mad

                        He thinks that I shouldn’t learn music
                        his skin crawls and it makes him feel sick
                        when music calls
                        his temper falls
                        and he behaves lika #&%@@ prick

                        he yells at me all day long
                        so loud I feel my brain go gong
                        but what can I say
                        I need the pay
                        so I make my brain wear thong


                          BRoS wrote:

                          I still think that my boss is far worse than your cat(s)

                          you think that you’ve got it bad
                          but I know a far worse lad
                          my boss is no cubid
                          keeps calling me stupid
                          so often it’s driving me mad

                          He thinks that I shouldn’t learn music
                          his skin crawls and it makes him feel sick
                          when music calls
                          his temper falls
                          and he behaves lika #&%@@ prick

                          he yells at me all day long
                          so loud I feel my brain go gong
                          but what can I say
                          I need the pay
                          so I make my brain wear thong
                          brain Thong?? What did I miss??

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