
My Windstone poem.

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      I like it. I keep thinking that if I received an envelope full of ashes I would think it was anthrax or something. *shudders*


        sorry I haven’t written for so long 😳

        skigod377 wrote:

        You have rules in poetry? Does it have to do with how many words/syllables you use in each sentence? I dont think America has any rules…

        yes and no 😀 it depends on which kind of poems we prefer each time the rhymes have rules, but not neccecarily poems, there are alot of rhymes the most common are:

        ferskeytlur (four something)

        Dragons here and Druids there
        Dangerous and scary
        Ents are woody, Elves are rare
        Endlessly are merry

        þríliður (three something

        [u]Sometimes I wonder what Settlement means
        Showing my ignorrant top piece
        Dark is my mane so, and Delightful greens
        Dreary and skin (re)mind me of geese

        Limra (wtf??? no Idea how to translate)

        I went to work right this morning
        hoping that this day wont be boring
        tripped by my toe
        I want you to know
        I rolled down the stairs without warning

        krosshenda (cross- rhyme, no logic just a brain teaser you can read it in two ways and the poem still is the same)

        Wildly truly Windstone fan
        truly loving dragons might
        windstone dragons lovely sigh
        fan might sigh truely[/u]


          Bravo!!!! Great poems!!! 😀


            The third one probably translates as limerick. A limerick has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines. A variety of types of metrical foot can be used, but the most typical are the amphibrach (a stressed syllable between two unstressed syllables) and the anapaest (two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable). The rhyme scheme is usually AABBA.

            Limericks are frequently witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent.

            The following example of a limerick is of anonymous origin.

            The lim’rick packs laughs anatomical
            Into space that is quite economical,
            But the good ones I’ve seen
            So seldom are clean,
            And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

            *Information taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limerick_(poetry)


            I just wandered over to this thread. I love all the poems, Ski. Such a sense of humor!


              Ooh, I like limericks. I want to try one! 😆 And thank you Tint. It gives me something to do when I am feeling froggy.


              So have you come up with a limerick yet Ski?


                I once had a terrible feeling,
                I shivered and looked at the ceiling
                as time went by
                I looked at the sky
                They’d stolen my house, and my key-ring


                  I just had a terrible morning
                  the accidents came without warning
                  I burnt the bread
                  so I got sad
                  and ate all the coal-bits with dreading

                  my hair was all in a mess
                  changed a diaper and guess
                  the terrible two
                  a horrible goo
                  all over the place, what a mess

                  too late to the daycare with son
                  too late to the workplace my bun
                  but bun means bread
                  the bread was dead
                  I burnt it this morn’ that was dun

                  ( a true story of a difficult , and typical day for me )
                  ((unlikely stories ar likely to happen to me, fortunately, I have a sense of humor for this, which kinda makes my days))


                    Bravo!!! Take a bow!!! 😀


                      Ok, here is my limerick…

                      I am feeling so down and disgusted.
                      My checking account I have busted.
                      But when the dragons roll in
                      I’ll forgive this small sin
                      and the figurines all will get dusted. 😀


                        Im sitting here bored off my bum.
                        Excitement is good I want some.
                        I dont like my work
                        and my boss is a jerk
                        and i’ve ran out of all of my Rum.


                          My cute little nose i’ve been picking.
                          My fingers I then have been licking.
                          My boogies wont flick.
                          Wont come off with a stick.
                          These suckers are sure good at sticking.

                          *Dies of boredom*


                            I lay in my grave limbs a’twitchin.
                            To do something fun i’ve been itchin.
                            But I died of boredom,
                            Is anything more dumb?
                            I really must stop all this bitchin.


                            Excellent! Both of you! 😀

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