My Very First PYO

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      That’s very nicely done. Is it a he or a she? Whatever it is, it reminded me of Nam’s Royal Kirin.

      That’s what inspired me, but I didn’t do a lot of the white highlights she did and some of the other shadings because I didn’t want it to be exactly the same.


        gryphondreamer wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        I just hope I don’t spend too much time painting and forget to finish my thesis! πŸ˜€

        do you need a thesis buddy? i am working on mine too. we can keep each other honest. πŸ™‚ my cross stitch can get in the way.

        Thanks for the offer. If it’s just nudges to get me to go write, that would be cool. I only have a couple of weeks left to finish it, so I need to get cracking. πŸ™‚

        When does your need to be done?


        emerald212 wrote:

        Thanks for the offer. If it’s just nudges to get me to go write, that would be cool. I only have a couple of weeks left to finish it, so I need to get cracking. πŸ™‚

        When does your need to be done?

        i need to write my proposal asap. i am hoping to be able to defend my proposal in the beginning of may. right now, i need ot work on getting more technical details into the paper and write up related work.

        ok, emerald, get back to writing! nothing to read on these forums! πŸ˜€


          gryphondreamer wrote:

          emerald212 wrote:

          Thanks for the offer. If it’s just nudges to get me to go write, that would be cool. I only have a couple of weeks left to finish it, so I need to get cracking. πŸ™‚

          When does your need to be done?

          i need to write my proposal asap. i am hoping to be able to defend my proposal in the beginning of may. right now, i need ot work on getting more technical details into the paper and write up related work.

          ok, emerald, get back to writing! nothing to read on these forums! πŸ˜€

          Thanks! And you… get to researching! Get that proposal done. πŸ˜€


          Very Pretty!!! Good Job Emerald!!! πŸ˜€


          GREAT JOB for your first try! I am impressed! πŸ˜€


            emerald212 wrote:

            I just hope I don’t spend too much time painting and forget to finish my thesis! πŸ˜€

            Ah, but they are to fun to paint! School always gets in the way of the fun stuff πŸ™

            I tend to only like pink when it is in combination with brown, so I like the colors on this one πŸ™‚ Very nice.


            Lokie wrote:

            emerald212 wrote:

            I just hope I don’t spend too much time painting and forget to finish my thesis! πŸ˜€

            Ah, but they are to fun to paint! School always gets in the way of the fun stuff πŸ™

            I tend to only like pink when it is in combination with brown, so I like the colors on this one πŸ™‚ Very nice.

            I agree, pink/brown, or pink/black….those are my faves! In my case WORK gets in the way of MY painting LMAO! πŸ˜• πŸ‘Ώ


              I put a new clearer photo of him up in the gallery. The white spots where it looks like I missed with the paint are just weird things that happen with the camera. There are no white spots on the kirin. The weird coloring on his belly is from the darker wash I used to make it look more antiqued and not so bright. I think I should have used more water so it didn’t streak like that. The brown parts and dark pink parts turned out good though, I think. πŸ™‚

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