
My Thesis is Done! Woo hoo!

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      skigod377 wrote:

      Megani-chan wrote:

      Good luck emerald! I’m sending you academic-type vibes… 8)

      😆 😆 😆

      Or you could always go watch a book before you go…

      ROFLMAO Or take a power nap on your thesis hoping for more osmosis! *don’t use a pillow though 😯 *

      Seriously tho….GOOD LUCK!!! And I totaly 4th or 5th you getting a congradulatory Windstone!!! *Have him e-mail us for info :mrgreen:*


        Good luck!!! 😀


          Thanks, everybody! All your good wishes helped.

          I PASSED!!!

          😆 😆 😆 😀

          The committee liked my thesis so much that they are submitting it for an Outstanding Thesis competition for the Midwest area. That won’t happen until fall though. OMG! 😯 😀

          I can’t believe it’s all done. I just have to pass my Old English class now (I’m getting an A, so it shouldn’t be an issue) and I’m through with grad school.

          The hubby’s taking me out for dinner. 😀

          I’m still shaking and trying not to cry. I’ve been so stressed out. Now I can relax a bit. *whew*


            😀 YEA!!!!! Well Done emerald!!! 😀

            *Tell hubby he needs to buy you a Windstone too 😛


              Congrats, Emerald!!! We knew you could do it!!!!! 😀




                yea! congratulations! We had no doubts! 😀


                Completely awesome! Congratulations! That’s great that they are submitting your thesis. I think that calls for TWO windstones! 😉


                  Thanks, everyone! We just got back from dinner. I’m still sort of in shock. I can’t believe it’s over. I just keep sitting here, wiping the tears from my eyes and saying “Wow!”

                  Thanks for all the encouragement, but the hubby won’t get me any Windstones. We’re sort of hard up for money right now… both of us. But that’s okay, because I’ve bought a lot of them over the last six months and he’s not really said too much about it. He teases me a little, but he doesn’t really get mad. (Like the whole Beanie Baby teasing, and when he said, “I liked it better when you just played Sims — it was cheaper.” 😆 ) I thought it would be a bigger problem than it’s turned out to be, so I’m just glad. (Of course, he doesn’t know about the Calico Flap Cat yet.) So, that in itself is gift enough.


                  Congrats! I am guessing your Thesis is like a Senior Project, a big paper you have to write in order to graduate college?

                  I remember doing mine, man was it maddening…took months. Was so relieved when it was done and turned in, even happier when it got an A-.

                  I know how you are feeling, it is such a huge load off, I bet you didn’t even realize how much it was weighing on you until now.

                  It’s kinda like pregnancy…every new ache and pain just adds in, until the baby is born, you don’t realize how much discomfort and pain you were in until it is all just gone! Course the euphoria of finally getting to see your baby has noothing to do with it at all….nope…not a thing! LOL!

                  Anyway, glad your paper baby was birthed and received favorably, congrats on completing it, and getting asked to be in a contest, that should be really cool.



                    Congrats Emerald, I’m so happy for you 😀


                      I’m sure that must be a TON of Stress lifted


                      That’s wonderful, emerald. I’m so glad you passed! Do let us know how it does at the competition!


                        Well done, Em! 😀


                          YAY! I am soooo happy for you!!!

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