My Raffle Prize Is Here!!!! Thank You, Thank You, Melody!!!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody My Raffle Prize Is Here!!!! Thank You, Thank You, Melody!!!!

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    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    The darn UPS man is MIA! I have a note on my door but I can’t get in contact with him darnit! 😯 I hope mine has hooves! πŸ˜€

    And don’t forget pics, even if you have to borrow a camera! πŸ˜†

    Bred egg*Bred Egg 2*Blue


    I will figure out someone to borrow one from πŸ™‚ I really want to buy a new one but I don’t want the sales people to push me into something that is more than I really need but I want it to be enough that it makes me happy – my last one I thought would be good enough and then some but I wasn’t too happy with it after awhile… going to google some sort of brief tutorial about picking a camera and definitions of terms lol


      You’re in luck! There’s a thread in on this very topic right now.


      hey thanks! πŸ˜€


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Congrats Star!!! Now, you can no longer say you NEVER win!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        She’s hearing that from all sides now, I think. πŸ˜†

        I’ll just think of something else to say!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜›


        Stephanie wrote:

        PhoenixTears wrote:

        Again- what and when was this raffle? Terms? Etc… someone elaborate please πŸ™‚

        For Melody’s birthday she opened a raffle. It was announced in her Happy Birthday thread. We emailed her our names, and all the entires were put into easter eggs. Two eggs were chosen, and those two people got a special Windstone.
        Thank you! I missed Ms Mel’s BDay?! Im upset that I didnt get to wish her a happy birthday… so belated happy birthday MELODY!

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