My Old Warrior circle

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        Yeah I know I said I would take these a zillion years ago but I lost my camera going back and forth to the hospital. I just found it last night so I put all my guys in a circle for a photo. Mind you my camera sucks and so does the lighting in my living room.

        My cat didn’t know what was going on…


        Cool! What is the turquoise one w/the green highlights? Wow!


          Nice collection! 🙂

          Correct me if I am wrong (still learning all the colors!)

          There is Ruby, Black violet peacock, peacock, Eme peacock, Emerald, and brown….

          Am I right? 😛


            boskydragon wrote:

            Cool! What is the turquoise one w/the green highlights? Wow!

            That’s the Emerald Peacock.


              Nice circle! 😀 Looks like kitty wants to pounce in on their meeting!


              Cool!!! I love my OW’s…now you need White when you can get him. You will love the White and the Gold is stunning too.


                I’m really diggin’ the emerald peacock color, but I really don’t have any more to spend. Oh well. I’ve got a little while to get more than the curled in that color.


                  My favorites are the peacock and the black violet peacock….droool…


                    I wish I could find a peacock. But not til after Christmas. *Bad Jas, bad Jas* Have to buy Prezzies for others first!! 😕


                      Beautiful it looks like Kitty thinks so to


                        Yes thats an ema pea old warrior. I love the ema pea color but only if its the intense violet version. I can’t afford an ivep old warrior so I have to live with the regular one. I hope to get a white old warrior soon then all I’ll need is the gold one. My cat was in the middle of the old warrior huddle but he wouldn’t stay there long enough for me to get a picture.


                        Nice! I love your emerald with all his gold highlights.


                        Pretty! I love the black one ^^


                        Thank you for the pictures purple they are lovely dragons *i miss my Gold OW left at home while im away studying* i do have a Poad for company though 😀

                        I really hope melody does BVP or BEP for a production colour on an OW the black just looks beautiful on him!

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