My new pet (bird lovers will like this )

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    This is my new pet! He hardly eats anything, and seems pretty quiet so far 😉

    Actually he was carved by a wood carver from New Brunswick, Brian Dykeman. He is extremely talented, and I adore his work. I love his owls, and would love to own one someday, but in the meantime I’m extremely happy with my chickadee:)

    You see his work here on Facebook:

    Or in his gallery here on his website:

    Celestial Rainstorm

      What a lovely fellow! He looks very low-maintenance, I might have to adopt one myself! Does he have a name?

      Finding happiness again.


        wow so cute! i have 8 live finches haha. a zebra pair and 6 society finches. i adore them. some day i will graduate to a parrot, but not until im in an environment that is permanent with the time to give one.


        Thank you Celestial:) and yes, I have decided to name him DeeDee 😀

        Lucky you betrluk1! You sound like you have a nice flock there! I have never owned any birds, but have always wanted either finches or love birds. Parrots are awesome, but yes your right they require a lot of time and commitment. Some I know are so long lived that you have to put them in your will so they can be guaranteed a good home once their owners pass. I don’t think I could handle them personally, as some can get pretty loud and demanding Lol!


          What a charming critter! How’d you train him to pose so nicely for the camera? 😉

          I’d love to keep quail, finches or doves, but they’d drive my terrier mix completely bananas. Least I can still admire ’em!


            society finches are cheap, and have a very pleasant and mild chirp. they are also so cute to watch. they are called society finches for a reason. at night they do what i call “assuming the formation.” They all jockey for the top position and form like a bird tower on a perch next to the side of the cage. Literally they all perch on top of each other, or they form a pyramid. I love watching their antics. its even funnier when you have a nest. I have seen videos of 19 finches all piled into one medium sized nest. If it fits, it nests haha.

            zebras on the other hand are loud and they are a lot more anxious. very easily startled. they are very active though and i love watching my pair interact. My female is pure white with two grey bars on her face and the male is more traditional coloring.

            i rotate nests in and out because, if a nest is present they will start immediately breeding and laying eggs. Heck, the zebras breed all the time without the nest and she just lays eggs sitting on the perch haha.


              That is an exquisite little carving!


                That is beautiful Amstaff!

                Finches are fun to watch. I work at a bird shop and watching them fly around with springs of spray millet in their beaks that are at least three times their size is always fun. 🙂

                Looking for-
                red fire young dragon
                old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


                  It’s a trick… the minute your back’ll be turned, it’ll fly away!

                  Beautiful sculpt 🙂

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Very cute! I love birds!


                      The noise I made when I saw this should not come out of an adult human!

                      Chickadees are my favourite birds 🙂 I love it. Congrats on such a lovely purchase (commission?).


                      I love Chickadees! They are among my favorites! ^_^


                      Oh my chickadee!!!

                      How lovely! One of my favorite birds! I’m kinda a nut for birdies in general, but this is one of my all time favorites. I can’t wait to check out this guy’s gallery! Thanks for sharing!


                      Ok, I want the Robin. Minus the worm. LoL


                      The noise I made when I saw this should not come out of an adult human!

                      Chickadees are my favourite birds 🙂 I love it. Congrats on such a lovely purchase (commission?).

                      Chickadees are my favorite birds to, with the cute junco a close 2nd. I remember feeding birds as a kid, and getting the chickadees to feed out of my hand. I had a Polaroid camera and even managed to snap a pic of my younger sister with a chickadee in her hand 🙂

                      I guess you could say this was a commission, as when I asked for a chickadee he didn’t have any made, but said he would make me one if I wanted 😉

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