My formal request

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  • #493716


    Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you for the e-card lamortfille, it was very nice.

    Now I am leaving today for the USA until Jan 3, I am not sure how much I will have the internet sooo if any new curlies, or green ones come back in can someone PLEASE pick it or them for me 🙂 I will pay when I return from my trip, and I hope everyone has a very merry holiday and new years. See you all then.


    Have a great trip!


    If they pop up I plan to get 2 or 3 for those who don’t have the chance. I hope someone is willing to do that for me if I miss them too.

    So yes! I will get you one if I am able!


      I really wish they would come out with the second batch of green curlies already. I can’t stand this wait any longer. It’s almost been a month since the first ones sold out. Need more pink ones too.

      I know… I have zero patience!


      I don’t really care when the green curlies come out, just so I’m online at the right time. 😛
      Have fun, ruffian!


        Yeah, that is the key. I’m usually able to come on here throughout the day, and hardly ever miss anything. But I know they’ll pop up when I have to be somewhere. 🙄


          I always forget to check teh store. I’m always here chatting


          LOL thanks all, I am in Los Vegas at the hilton, just finished the Star Trek rides, and thought I would pop in and Say hi and MERRY CHRISTMAS.


            Lucky you, ruffian….have a great time! 😀


            Merry Christmas to you too, Ruff! Sounds like you’re having fun.

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