My first tries (progress)

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    Here is the progress of my dragons using different techniques. Going to create four elementals, Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Also have a leafed Copper in the works.

    The Fire dragon is using a simple palette of red, yellow and black to create a lava looking skin.

    Air brushed the first layer.

    Starting the black dry brushing.

    and now starting on filling the scales black. He is turning out darker then I envisioned, but still interesting. The wings will be lightly antiqued in black.

    And my Copper and Air Dragons in their early stages.

    The Copper dragon will be completely leafed in copper then highlighted in a metallic green. The leafing process is a project in itself.

    The Air dragon will have silver leafed mane and chest scales then painted using a “sky” palette.

    Fun stuff !



      I really like the first pic of the lava dragon…Love the colors…I dunno about the next two pics tho…it almost looks like there is a bit too much black on him right now… 😕 But I’ll wait to se him all finished, I’m sure you’re not finished yet so he may turn out looking different still…. 😀



        Wow. I love the way the fire dragon is turning out. He looks exactly like a river of magma that’s got a thin, cooled crust on top.



          Neat! It looks like Spark’s? lava dragon or was it a different member that did the lava?

          Question… It looks like you photoshopped the horns for some reason? Why?


          Looking good, Wyvern. I like the base coat on the first dragon.


          Shiney copper dragon.. @.@ *reaches for the shiney pretty…*

          I’m so looking forward to seeing that one finished 😀

          Those four elemental dragons are going to be such an awesome display together.


            Phoenix wrote:

            Question… It looks like you photoshopped the horns for some reason? Why?

            That was my question too.


              Kujacker wrote:

              Phoenix wrote:

              Question… It looks like you photoshopped the horns for some reason? Why?

              That was my question too.

              I saw that too…. ❓ ❓ ❓


                If I recall, Wyvern wants to add/decorate the dragons. Maybe the photoshop is to keep the surprise?

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  dragonmedley wrote:

                  If I recall, Wyvern wants to add/decorate the dragons. Maybe the photoshop is to keep the surprise?

                  But just the horns?? ❓ I like the look of the copper dragon. I know Nam or Melody…I think Melody, leafed one in gold and said it was a pain. Well, they BOTH said it was a pain, but I dont remember who did the PYO.


                  Those dragons are awesome. Especially the copper. I love copper. Most metallics in fact but copper is my fav. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

                  *Ocean FyrePaperRedSilverorange


                  Stephanie, that was the look I was going for, the colors of fire in the fleshy parts with the cooled crust as the dark scaly top layer. But it is turning out quite “dark”. The scales and “body bumps” are pretty closely gathered, which is making the black color fairly overpowering. All part of the learning process. It is my first piece and I am going to keep him as such no matter how he turns out.

                  Skigod, While it might not be the only leafed dragon, I did see one in the gallery created by Jennifer Miller in 23k gold.

                  The photoshopped horns are masking the issue that the horns are modified. They are spiraled pieces of epoxy embedded on stainless steel rods. I decided to remove them from the image as it is not an accepted practice. Just to touch on the subject, clarity is everything and just as with painting, you must clearly define what you have done to an item which maintains a copyright to ensure there is no confusion and this just skims the surface. If in doubt, don’t.

                  Thanks for the kind comments, it looks like I’m hooked.


                    Yep! I’ve leafed one in sold 24k, and did a kirin in silver (aluminum) leaf. Leafing is a pain in the butt.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                      Wyvern wrote:

                      The Copper dragon will be completely leafed in copper then highlighted in a metallic green.

                      Oooh, please post pictures of this guy when he’s done!

                      And, er, are you going to sell him when he’s finished? 🙂 I am a sucker for all things copper, and if the turns out as interesting as he sounds, well. 🙂

                      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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