My First Published Book!

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    Congrats! That is a wonderful accomplishment.


    Fantastic….you must fell so proud of yourself!! On-line store is STILL published so do not diminish your own accomplishment. It is a great thing and the illustration that I can see is spectacular! 🙂


    It makes me really happy to read the feed back on my book =) thanks to you all! I’ll definitely look into real publishing, down the road. I’m currently working on two more books, actual children’s story books this time. One about a vegetarian dragon, the other about a whale that is unhappy with ocean life and decides to try living in a lake.

    Two other books in my dinosaur line that I’m working on is one over theropods and one over ceratopsians. The drawing quality of these will be much better than the book I’ve published, due to those pictures having been drawn before i really got down to studying the anatomy and postures. =)


      It looks great! Lovely artwork and great way for children to learn both about the alphabet and about dinosaurs too!


        The book looks awesome!
        Do they ship to Canada? I couldn’t find any info on the site 🙁
        I’ve got a Dinosaur crazy niece and nephew who are just learning the alphabet so this would be great for them!


          The book looks awesome!
          Do they ship to Canada? I couldn’t find any info on the site 🙁
          I’ve got a Dinosaur crazy niece and nephew who are just learning the alphabet so this would be great for them!

          They do ship to Canada, all you have to do is create an account and it’ll figure out shipping automatically, and shipping isn’t outrageous, although for some reason, for me it switches to Euros when I log in…?


          Depending on how much it might cost me, I could maybe order the books myself, sign them, then mail them out….but it depends on how much I’ll be paying in shipping material and shipping, on top of the ordering price….but if anyone is interested, PM me and we can see if it’s possible =)

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