My first naked pyo's arrived and now I'm chicken…

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      When I got my first I bought a wolf, griffin, and a dragon… I painted the wolf first, then the griffin, and finally the dragon. I was nervous too the first time but I got my brush, put it in the color of paint that I wanted to start with and did it! I had a BLAST! But be forwarned… once you paint it you’ll be sucked in… one becomes two, two becomes four then suddenly you have an army going on… THEN you have so many you have to put them on ebay so that you’ll have room for more!!!!!!!! 😯


      I bet that you’ll do great! 🙂


      Try looking up Koishii’s PYO tutorial! It’s really fun, and because you’re diluting the paints with water, there’s a lot less danger of layering them up too thick and losing details. A caveat: as Nam has pointed out, acrylics can get fussy if diluted too heavily with water, and may later flake. But I figure that when one is starting out and really just learning as one goes, it’s not such a big deal. And thinner paint means easier to paint over with less detail loss, if you decide to start over. 🙂

      I’ve got three PYO’s in the works right now, and a fourth just about finished. The two griffins are being done with paint diluted with acrylic medium; the dragons are done by Koishii’s tutorial. There’s a big difference in how thick the paint goes on when it’s diluted with acrylic medium: clumsy me has trouble with it filling in the details, and I’m still learning how to prevent that from happening. I had a much easier time using Koishii’s tutorial.

      Good luck! It really is a lot of fun! 😀

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