My first naked pyo's arrived and now I'm chicken…

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      Hi all,

      My first pyo dragons arrived a couple days ago and I’ve just drooled and drooled over them, but now the time comes to paint the darlings and I’m worried I’ll ruin ’em 😕

      Do any of you with experience in painting these use a sealer or base coat of some kind so that if you don’t like what’s happening it’s easier to remove said goof and start over? I’ve poured over everything in the tutorials and don’t remember seeing anything about that.

      Thanks in advance,






          There are some folks who have used base coats. I’m not one. I have had the goof up that had to be restarted. I cleaned it off using warm water, liquid soap and a soft toothbrush. You have to be gentle with the scrubbing though or you can take some of the fine detailing off. It works better if the paint is still fairly fresh. Others have had some success with using fingernail polish remover (non-acetone preferred if I remember right) and cotton swabs.


          I can’t say that a base coat will help take paint off any easier. I just keep painting till I get what I want. 😆 So normally they end up completely different than I was planning.


            I don’t use a base coat either. When I goof up, I (usually) realize it early enough on to simply cover the color with opaque white if need be, and just paint over it.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Romeodanny wrote:

              I can’t say that a base coat will help take paint off any easier. I just keep painting till I get what I want. 😆 So normally they end up completely different than I was planning.

              This is my method as well! 😀


                Don’t worry…I still have 5 naked PYO still boxed up. 😆 One day I’ll finish the one I tarted and then move to the next. I’ve messed it up a few times already. 😥


                  My PYO’s don’t stay naked for long once they hit my house! 😆 I have repainted 3 that I wasn’t happy with, so I just repaint them or paint over the color that I wanted to change. I would not seggest doing that a lot since the paint will build up and you’d loose a lot of the fine detail that Melody put on the pieces.


                    I’m worried about ruining mine too. I’ve had him for a month or so now and even have a paint scheme in mind… but he’s still nekkid. I should probably get going if I want to finish him in 2 months…. (I’m a procrastinator & a perfectionist. Not a good combo)


                      Maebnus3 wrote:

                      I’m worried about ruining mine too. I’ve had him for a month or so now and even have a paint scheme in mind… but he’s still nekkid. I should probably get going if I want to finish him in 2 months…. (I’m a procrastinator & a perfectionist. Not a good combo)

                      That sounds really familiar! 😳 I guess what worries me is the amount of paint that the naked dragon will suck up… and did I mention I’m chicken? which is so weird because I’ve never had problems painting anything before… Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I’ll just have to hold my breath and jump 😯 😯 😯




                        Maebnus3 wrote:

                        (I’m a procrastinator & a perfectionist. Not a good combo)

                        NNnnno it’s not…


                          Blackdesertwind wrote:

                          Don’t worry…I still have 5 naked PYO still boxed up. 😆 One day I’ll finish the one I tarted and then move to the next. I’ve messed it up a few times already. 😥

                          *giggles* Only five? I still have about… *coughmumble-dozen-cough* sill boxed…almost all gryphons, including the soft feather sculpts. I’m afraid to paint them! XD

                          Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                            Tyrrlin wrote:

                            Blackdesertwind wrote:

                            Don’t worry…I still have 5 naked PYO still boxed up. 😆 One day I’ll finish the one I tarted and then move to the next. I’ve messed it up a few times already. 😥

                            *giggles* Only five? I still have about… *coughmumble-dozen-cough* sill boxed…almost all gryphons, including the soft feather sculpts. I’m afraid to paint them! XD
                            soft feather, blue eyed?


                              *runs up into the attic to check*

                              Fourteen total, twelve are gryphons, and it looks like about four or five are soft feather…two green, one red, one yellow(?) and one blue.

                              Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                                twindragonsmum wrote:

                                That sounds really familiar! 😳 I guess what worries me is the amount of paint that the naked dragon will suck up… and did I mention I’m chicken? which is so weird because I’ve never had problems painting anything before… Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I’ll just have to hold my breath and jump 😯 😯 😯

                                I can tell you I’ve actually measured out my paint using a measuring spoon (so I can mix colors the exact same shade twice) and the PYOs take a lot less paint than you think. I’m usually having to wash away paint at the end of a session. I usually use the 1/8 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon when I mix paints (usually in equal parts)

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