
My ex passed away on Oct 24

Home Forums Miscellany Community My ex passed away on Oct 24

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      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      ghostndragon wrote:

      Oh wow. I’m sorry for his parents. This was apparently unexpected?

      Yes it was, He had financial difficulties and well you know the rest.
      It’s sad because in his last actions he hurt the people that loved him most.

      I’m going to guess that this statement touches on his manner of passing.

      I’m very sad to hear this, and will be keeping you and his family in my thoughts. 🙁


        Sharing sentiments with everyone else, I am deeply sorry for your loss, and those that are also hurt from his passing. I send you lots of love and HUGE HUGS! And warm prayers your way!


          My deepest sympathy to both you and his family


            I did not see this until now-but I am so sorry to hear about him passing. It was a rough past, but despite the past, it is still very hard. *hugs*


              I’m sorry I only just saw this, BDW.
              You and his family have my deepest condolences.


                Thanks everyone.
                I found out that it was what I thought that caused him to do this, it was due to him living beyong his means…
                I tried during the first few years of our relationship to show him how to budget and to live with what was left but he didn’t stick to it more then a few weeks then went back to his old ways. He told me he couldn’t live on a tight budget and finaly told me to mind my own business. So I did. 🙁
                There was noting to do since he didn’t want to admit to having a problem and get help. :shrug:

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