My Dragons….and snails

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    I took a wheelthrowing class again this previous semester and in between waiting for things to dry and just being lazy and not doing what I was supposed to be doing…I made some little dragons! ( I still got an A, no worries)

    These were the firsts, and the wings broke off a couple of them, so I cracked the wings off the rest, sanded them down, and made them a family of horned lizardish creatures instead πŸ˜€

    The next batch didn’t break! (my pretty vase in the backround)

    And my porcelain dragons! One of my classmates had finished all her projects in porcelain and she let me play with her leftover clay πŸ˜€

    Flying dragon! I’m going to put a hook in the back part of him and hang it up from my ceiling somewhere. (I know his wings are backwards, I put them on wrong…>.<)

    And last, a sculpy Dragon I made at home.

    I know they aren’t very detailed, but I thought they were cute πŸ˜€



    They are cute. I like the blue coloration on the last dragon.


      Aaaaaw! They’re cute and I really like their smoothness.
      My favorite is the porcelain one: the smooth, curvy lines and the cleanliness of porcelain are perfect.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Very different!!! I love the last blue one!! I wish I were artistically talented instead of artistically challenged!! πŸ˜†


        wow! They’re slinky & fun πŸ™‚ I like them!


        It’s fun seeing what others sculpt! I took a clay class last year to dabble in doing some original work. I’ve done poured ceramics for years.

        Leigha wrote:

        I’m curious as to the brown and blue item with the stones in it. Did you make that too?

        Leigha wrote:

        The next batch didn’t break! (my pretty vase in the background)

        I like these dragons with the wings. I think the glaze gives them more definition. Do you have a full picture of your pot? In my class, I didn’t get the knack of the wheel. My pot kept getting smaller and smaller because I had to keep starting over. πŸ˜€

        Leigha wrote:

        I know they aren’t very detailed, but I thought they were cute πŸ˜€

        They are very cute and very unique. That’s what makse them your dragons.


        Thanks everyone! ^^

        That blue and brown thing is like a cave with eggs in it, I thought they needed more babies.

        And here’s some pottery for your viewing pleasure!

        a Chip and Dip




        Lidded things


        And Vases

        sorry about the topsy turvy pictures, I don’t have time to rotate them, I’m off to work! Have a fun!


        Great pics! I love the pots!


          I really like those glazes you used.


            😯 Oh wow!
            I love those green dragons!
            Your style is very unique. πŸ˜€


              Those are neat!!

              While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                Great work, Leigha! By the by… did I see you mention somewhere that you are attending West Valley College? In Saratoga right? I did most of my theatre work there but it was half a million years ago….

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Great work, Leigha! By the by… did I see you mention somewhere that you are attending West Valley College? In Saratoga right? I did most of my theatre work there but it was half a million years ago….

                twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

                yep! In Saratoga. Just general ed stuff because I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up (if I ever do)

                I’d like to go work for Windstone! πŸ˜€

                but I doubt I will.

                Thanks everyone πŸ˜€

                The green ones with wings are going to a friend, I’m keeping the whites, and the ones without wings are going to my brother and his girlfriend/fiance/whatever she is today.

                I love the glazes too ^^ Most of my pottery I did in Sunshine Cream <3 (the brown/purple coloring) I love it! The greens are Chinese Patina.


                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  but it was half a million years ago….

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€
                  😯 Are you really that old??? 😯

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