Bloody ‘ell. You just have to wonder where these people were when the basic decency was handed out. 👿
With the move and all, I need to find a new doctor, new dentist, new ophthalmologist, new chiro, yadda yadda yadda. I know for a fact that my old chiro’s office used to charge my insurance buckets more than they ever charged me when I was paying for it, but they pretended that the difference was due to a “cash discount”. I guess they were into cheating the insurance companies too. And people at the office used to gripe about their insurance premiums going up. Wonder why?! 😡 So I just hope I can find a doctor and etc. that’s both competent and honest. Hard enough knowing if one is competent . . . although one generally finds out the hard way, eventually.
Best of luck to you, purpledoggy, and don’t let these buggers buffalo you. Go get ’em! You’ve got your receipts: this may be paranoid of me, but by gosh don’t let the originals out of your hands! If the billing office wants proof, give ’em copies. I wouldn’t trust those characters any further than I could throw ’em.