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      I’m so sorry about your friend’s loss. It’s never easy losing a person you love and care about, but to lose two at once…I can’t imagine the pain.

      Wow! Not quite two and she weighs 26 lbs? That really goes to show my Gavin is a small fry. Last time he was weighed and mesured (in march) he was 36 inches tall and 28 lbs and he was just over 3 at the time.


        Kyrin wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Sorry to hear about your friends family. That is so sad. Transporting a body in a Uhaul? I am pretty sure that is not legal. 😯

        Two bodies actually, her brother and her father both died in the crash.

        I have no idea what the legalities are, but I imagine they are going to have to come up with the money to fly them to Arizona. But I don’t know, I just know what I was told.

        I personally think that if the rest of the family want the bodies to be buried in Arizona, then they should help with the expenses, if not, then I would get them cremated, then take them over to be intered, but I’m practical like that.


        I’m sorry to hear about her loss.

        I don’t think it would really matter to Uhaul or not. When my father passed away we needed to bury him in another state and to have him transported by the funeral home would have been close to $800. We ended up transporting him in the casket in our mini-van. I do think you need to have some paperwork from the funeral home stating that the body has been prepared for burial, but I don’t believe it is illegal in anyway.


          Kyrin wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Sorry to hear about your friends family. That is so sad. Transporting a body in a Uhaul? I am pretty sure that is not legal. 😯

          Two bodies actually, her brother and her father both died in the crash.

          I have no idea what the legalities are, but I imagine they are going to have to come up with the money to fly them to Arizona. But I don’t know, I just know what I was told.

          I personally think that if the rest of the family want the bodies to be buried in Arizona, then they should help with the expenses, if not, then I would get them cremated, then take them over to be intered, but I’m practical like that.

          KyrinI agree with that.


          It would be nice if they could just bury them there since that was their home at the time any how and where she is. I agree they should have to help pay if they have to go to a different state.

          *shivers at the thought of a family member in a casket in a mini van* sorry… there’s no way I could do that


          Yeah, I don’t think I could handle moving the body of a loved one around, especially on a trip that would take at least two days to complete.

          I have a hard enough time dealing with the body of a pet, but I usually do okay with that. But I only need to handle it long enough to get it buried, so it isn’t like I’m storing it for a week or something.

          I just couldn’t imagine dealing with a dead person, especially someone I knew and loved. I’ve never seen a dead person, up close and person…and I’m not in a big hurry to either.

          I also watch way too many scary movies involving zombies…it would freak me out knowing I had the body of someone in a vehicle with me…especially once it got dark.



            purpledoggy wrote:

            Necron99 wrote:

            on a second note only a quarter of a pie …i will eat the whole thing at a sitting ask PD she yells at me for it

            This was my response to his constant asking me “Why am I so fat?”

            wow jeez, that’s a good looking pie (never seen or eaten anything like this in real life) I only see those on pics or on the TV

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