My creativity is MIA.

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      I’ve been trying all day to come up with something that would actually work on a PYO small dragon (Testing ideas in photoshop) … and I’m starting to think my creativity has run away with my artistic ability! XD lol!

      Seriously, I haven’t come up with anything worth much… ‘n the couple ideas I think might work, I can’t seem to paint in photoshop! lol.. it’s like that part of my brain just shut down for a lil while! wth?? o.o lol..

      I’m supposed to be working on a dog portrait tonight, but if I can’t create a mockup PYO dragon in Photoshop, I don’t think I want to try painting a real painting! lol


        Hmm…most of my PYOs were inspired by something I saw in real life. A cup of tea, a truck with a cool paintjob, a koi, tigerseye…

        Just look around until you see something that you think has nice colors, and try to work with that? =D


          Normally my mind overloads with ideas.. but this round, notta thing coming to mind that works o.o

          Doesn’t help that I’m stressed with the dog portrait… that could be suppressing my creativity…
          I would be fine if I didn’t have people nagging at me about ‘when are you gonna get it done’ – not a single one of those people are my commissioner who, last I talked to her said “No rush!” *headdesk* in fact, not a single one of those people have *anything* to do with it… it’s a perfect example of why I don’t usually let my family have any idea what I’m working on… they nag at me on when I’m going to finish it, but won’t leave me alone long enough to work on it… *Takes deep breaths* … I’m gonna shush on that before it becomes a nice long rant o.o …


            I’ve been writing a story and having problems now . Before that I was drawing . Oh well creativity hits a wall at times . How well I know .


            I know how you feel, the more people push, the more I procrastinate…I’m hopeless.



            Ugh, yeah. Stress and creativity don’t mix.

            Good luck with both projects!


              *hugs* Walk away and sit down with a cup of tea and a book (or whatever tickles your fancy) and destress for a bit. I always find that my creativity runs under the bed and cowers and won’t come out while I’m stressed.


                Yeah, I need to clear my mind then sit down and *try* to find my rhythm of things… if I can cancel out the stress of that dog portrait and get in the rhythm of it, it should finish up quickly. I’ve had several occasions I’ve tried to force myself to work on it, but that ends poorly! lol.. I end up scratching what I spent an hour on and walking away from it.. I have no issues with commissions so long as people don’t get pushy.. I tell all my commissioners that my work takes time… only once have I had a commissioner be a problem, and that wasn’t at all because of my art.. (Long story, lol)

                I’ll just use my PYO dragons as incentive… get the portrait done and I’ll be free to work on those dragons! and I’ll be able to freely work on the other digital painting commission I have.. which since there is no stress involved with it, I’m looking forward to working on it…


                  I’ve been cleaning instead of being creative today .


                    JoliesDragons gave me good advice! (on another thread) that has helped me greatly!

                    I was stressing hard on the dog portrait (Can be seen in the art forum) because my due date got bumped from 3 weeks away (more than enough time to comfortably finish the painting) to 1 week (Print needs to be here before the 9th) x.x … I wasn’t updated when the date of the dogshow we’re working turned out different than we were originally told, this show is when I deliver the painting. But because of some good advice, I’ve broken up what needs to be done on the painting into small daily goals! – Jolies advice was set a 15 minute timer on my phone, but since I need more done than that’ll get done.. I broke it up into pieces of the painting (Todays goal is the ears on one of the dogs. In the painting, that’s a third of a dog done, lol)
                    I think I’m going to post those goals onto the thread the WIP images are being posted to, so I have to hold myself to them! but since I’m looking at it in small pieces instead of looking at the big picture ‘n being overwhelmed, I’m stressing less since my smaller goals are much easier to accomplish and once they’re finished for the day, I don’t feel guilty working on other things 😀 or I can get a head of myself for the next day and start in on the next goal before hand and possibly free up a whole day for myself! If I stick to my goals this painting will be smoothly done in 4 days.. Wish me luck! lol


                    Sounds like a great plan, KaytanaPhoenix. Good luck! 🙂

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