
My computer took a massive dump

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        and me being the non computer geek couldn’t figure out how to fix it so I reset it back to factory specs. Now I sit here trying to download all my World of Warcraft stuff and other doo dads I had on here before it crashed. I hate computers!


          Uuurrrrggghhh! That’s soooo frustrating! 🙄




          I had to do the same thing with iTunes decided to convert every mp3 file to iTunes format…. somehow that makes the computer crash. Sigh.

          It completely sucks I know. Makes you feel like this – 😈


            Thank god I was smart enough to back up all my pictures onto an external hard drive so at least I didn’t lose them. I’m still trying to get everything straight on this stupid computer. Blah!


              Computers… it’s a love/hate relationship and right now, you’re in the “hate” part.

              A friend told me this once and it stuck!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                Every time I have computer problems I always remember a Dilbert comic strip that ran in the newspaper while I was working there.

                I laughed so hard at that (because I had gotten the same answer from tech before when having problems) that I made sure to keep a copy of it.


                  Just be thankful you only deal with one on a daily basis. Or maybe two, one at work and one at home. OK.. maybe three, if you own a laptop. 😉


                    When I worked at the newspaper I did some tech support of my own for the editorial/design side because there was no local tech support. They were all two hours away and rarely worked the hours we needed support. Most of what I did though was run error check and defrag the harddrives on a regular basis.

                    *Ugh* I still remember when I was trying to defrag one of our servers. I had to do it after the paper was finished for the night (so couldn’t start until midnight at the earliest). Near as I could tell it had never been run. It took ages before it finally finished the program. I had to restart the defrag over the course of several days because I had to go home and get sleep and there was no guarentee I would be the first person in to restart the server and I couldn’t trust anyone else to do it.


                    I know how that is. I’m glad you backed up your important files!! 8)


                      I’m waiting for a couple metal pieces so I can build another server today. It’s job is to collect numbers. That’s it.


                      Good luck, purpledoggy. I’m glad you didn’t lose your pictures!

                      pegasi1978–I love that comic! There’s days I really wanna… 😳


                        I want to build a gaming computer from scratch so bad. I only have to deal with two computers right now (mine and Danny’s). We are not allowed to touch the computers at work because too many of the guys were surfing porn websites so now they took away our computer access and our cable tv 🙁

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