
My Cat Took Off/ He Came BACK!!

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    I hope he will return safe! *hugs*


    ddvm wrote:

    Hang in there, ski. I’ve known cats to show up a month after going “walk about.”

    That was the first thing I thought; cats can be so independant. I think he’ll come back, whether on his own or thank to the chip.


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      Poor kitty I hope he finds his way home.


        Any updated news??


        hope he comes back soon. When i was little we had a cat that would leave for days at a time . When he got tired of trying to feed himself he would always show up .. Hope he gets hungry soon πŸ™‚


        He’ll hopefully come back when he’s hungry. Or maybe the humane society will pick him up. Don’t feel bad, it’s happened to me before with quite a few of my cats. They’ve all come back. Poor Tigger though was trapped in a garage for a week. Plus, Tigger was good at getting his collars off. It seemed like we had to buy a new one every week.


        Oh no! I hope he comes home soon!


        And here I can’t get mine to go out of the house. ‘Go kitty go, seek out and depopulate the rodents!’

        Unfortunately for me and the barn, they’re well fed cats. But, they definately give the squirrels a run for their money.

        Any update? Hope he comes home soon.



          Oh no! I’m sorry ski. I’d be a wreck too. I know this situation all too well. It’s so hard to introduce a kitty to the outside. I try to keep all mine indoors now. So many things can happen, but I’ll be hoping for your kitties safe return! If you need someone to talk to you can always PM me!

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          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
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          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
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            No news yet. I did call the humane society again and I am gonna go on the site and register his chip number with them just in case he gets caught by a civilian. I hope he is at the vet tomorrow when I go to post pics.

            I did put food out in hopes that he would come and eat, but he didnt touch it. The food was right by the door, so I assume he would have come in if he got close enough to see the food. πŸ™

            Thanks for all the good wishes. I hope he comes home, too. He is an odd one, though.


            skigod377 wrote:

            No news yet. I did call the humane society again and I am gonna go on the site and register his chip number with them just in case he gets caught by a civilian. I hope he is at the vet tomorrow when I go to post pics.

            I did put food out in hopes that he would come and eat, but he didnt touch it. The food was right by the door, so I assume he would have come in if he got close enough to see the food. πŸ™

            Thanks for all the good wishes. I hope he comes home, too. He is an odd one, though.

            Keep us updated! If you remember when my grandma’s cat was missing…he ended up being shut up in a shed, but fortunately was let out. No one knew he was in there, so maybe it might be a good idea to check in places that he might be trapped in? Come back kitty!!


            Sorry to hear that, Ski. If he’s such a scaredy, though, I’d hope he’d return to the place he knows best. πŸ˜•


            Ages ago, I had one of my cats get out through a window that didn’t have the screen down. My bf at the time had opened the window without realizing the screen was up, and out the window Rainbo went. I put food down below the window she went out of for like 3 or 4 days, with no luck. Finally one night I came home after working a 4-12 shift, and heard her under a bush in the front of our house. I went to grab her, and she ran to the back where the EMPTY food bowl was, and that’s when I grabbed her and brought her back in.
            Hopefully your kitty will be back home soon! It’s a really bad feeling when you’re waiting on a lost pet…


              Im really scared that he got trapped someplace and couldnt get out. I watched an ‘Animal Cops’ special the other night that was all about amazing cat rescues. Its giving me nightmares now. πŸ™„ I took another walk tonight and found a small grey tabby. Not mine, though. πŸ˜• It gave me hope, though. If I can find that one, I may eventually find Bacchus.


                I hope you find him, that would have my every nerve on end. It’s harrowing to be missing a family members, even the furry ones. *hugs* I wish I were close enough to help you look, I would in a heartbeat. πŸ™

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