My Black Gold Wing

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    The best drybrushed area you can see on my wolf is the front paws…the entire piece should look something like that all in drybrush…very naturalesque. Give it a shot…you may be awesome at it! I myself think now that it’s a trait you’re either born with or not, lol, since I have sat down with people who have never apinted a thing in their lives and managed it swimmingly!


      How many scupts have you tried it on?
      I want to try the pastel technique as well.
      The two PYOs I posted was my first time ever painting. I generally stick with color pencils and paper. But now I have a two kid handicap, so anything I create has to be given a little leeway!


      I have only seriously tried dry-brushing on this wolf. I have done it on other sculptures NOT windstone but painted over them. Ideally, it’s like the “lazy” way of getting the 3D details to pop out. Example, you have a black wolf but you want to show some grey to highlight all the fur but keep the black beneath. You drybrush gently over your already painted black wolf and all of the ridged details will stand out and look awesome, hense why it would look awesome on feathers and Windstone in general since they have strong detailing and 3D qualities to those details. Check this piece out and look at the wolf’s forehead…now this is what drybrushing SHOULD look like:
      It’s what drybrushing is all about. It’s really supposed to be a darn simple thing to do that anybody can do…which is why I’m angry I can’t get it right. I may try it again in the future but not anytime soon since I’m bummed out about this wolf right now, lol. Oh well.


      I used dry brush on my black family match Griffin. Just for the purple and blue on the wings, and rear feet…(Mixed up some folk-art silver and some off brand color of blue for the wings.) and wa-la! I use a small fan style brush for dry-brushing, otherwise I mess it all up, sometimes you just mess up and that is that. Don’t be discouraged…The artist of any piece, or drawing or painting, is his/her own worst critic. 😉
      It looks very pretty the way it is. It reminds me of some of the American Indian artwork I have passed on vacations. 😀


      I saw you put him on E-Bay, Water. Good luck selling – if you can, you might want to change the “This dragon is aprox. 6.5 inches long.” sentence above the pic, if you can. 😉


      Thanks for the auction listing note…whoops. Anyway, so long as it sells and I can get my $40 back I’m fine with it. It’s just an experimenal piece. ‘Course I wouldn’t mind if it went higher. 🙂


      I just saw your green dragon. That has got to be my favorite PYO ever. It’s gorgeous!


      I lot of folks seem to like the green…I thought the brown one would have been the most liked. I never know what colors people love best.


      From what I saw on E-Bay I thought natural colors sold better on PYOs than bright ones, but th green beauty might throw that theory overboard.


      Hey Water, why’d you pull the listing? Did somebody buy it outside E-Bay?


      The original commissioner I showed it to thought it over and honestly liked the color combo and how it was done save for a couple little things, so wanted this model. I was still set against giving it to the commissioner imperfectly but instead of doing another which would take longer for her, this one is going to become a salvage opertion over the weekend. I kinda feel better removing it also, so I can make it perfect and more worthy of going to someone who pays for it. I would not have removed it if it had a bid already though, so I was happy it didn’t. I’ll post images once it’s perfected.


      Yeah! There can’t have been too much that needed touching up. I’m glad she liked it.


        Watergazer wrote:

        I lot of folks seem to like the green…I thought the brown one would have been the most liked. I never know what colors people love best.

        I admit I was surprised as well at the price it sold for, $122.50 is still a nice sale, but I would definitely have expected it to go higher… I don’t think it had anything to do with the color though, you just can’t predict ebay.


        I really liked this wolf as well, but a couple of things were bugging me about it.

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