My big feral Kitty

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      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      What a beast!! Are you gonna get him neutered? I have caught feral cats and gotten them fixed since this issue with the kittens on Coleman. I bet he runs the neighborhood. Hahaha! Even your other cat looks at him in disbelief.

      yes! he is going to get fixed….not sure when…but he will. I am not even sure he knows he is a male! I have yet to see him spray anything.
      Hopefully you can keep it that way


        He’s beautiful and I’m glad you’re giving him a good home: -)


        He’s huge! 😯


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          He’s huge! 😯

          he’s a BIG FLUFF BALL OF LOVE! 😀


            I bet he is as big as our cat PC or a tad bigger! PC is a 14.9 lbs cat, no fat! LOL And he is LONG…. he streches out and WOW! Very close to over 2 1/2 feet all streched out! But he is the biggest damn chicken… I call him our “Chicken Cat”. 😆

            He is laying on a love seat that is turned on its back.

            Your kitty Sid it very handsome! 🙂


              what a baby! I adore big giant kitties!


                Your other cat looks terrified…I guess I would too. Sid is lovely though. 🙂


                I haven’t heard of Nature’s Guardian; I’m assuming that it’s an over-the-counter flea preventative. OTC products can be a little unpredictable as far as how well they work, though. 🙁 What’s the active ingredient?

                BTW, flea and tick products can be dangerous: NEVER put a product labeled specifically for dogs on a cat! I know you haven’t done anything of the sort, and wouldn’t. But I wanted to mention it in general because there are flea and tick products for dogs that are lethal to cats. 😯 Saw this happen recently with a family who used a grocery-store remedy on their cat without checking the label. It was very bad. 🙁


                That is a huge cat, he’s beautiful tho. You really need to get a pic of him with a Windstone, we know how big those are, and it woule give us a good size reference.

                I love his name.



                  Barrdwing wrote:

                  I haven’t heard of Nature’s Guardian; I’m assuming that it’s an over-the-counter flea preventative. OTC products can be a little unpredictable as far as how well they work, though. 🙁 What’s the active ingredient?

                  BTW, flea and tick products can be dangerous: NEVER put a product labeled specifically for dogs on a cat! I know you haven’t done anything of the sort, and wouldn’t. But I wanted to mention it in general because there are flea and tick products for dogs that are lethal to cats. 😯 Saw this happen recently with a family who used a grocery-store remedy on their cat without checking the label. It was very bad. 🙁

                  Yup, I know not to put dog stuff on kittys 🙂

                  this is the website:

                  this is the ingrediant’s :
                  # peppermint oil
                  # cinnamon oil
                  # lemongrass oil
                  # clove oil
                  # thyme oil

                  I am not fond of drops at all, and I still am sketchy about using oils. I read about other peoples animals…but mine seemed to be fine despited them all smelling like peppermint airfreshioners for a while.

                  it is an OTC, and even though it is all natural plant oils, I am iffy on how much oil is used. I’m going to get some Diatomaceous earth later and try that after the oils were off.

                  I’ll try getting a photo of him with a winstone 😀


                    Not all black cats are that big, my Aunt had a Tux who was around 8/9 pounds, My Spaz is overweight at 7lbs, so probably should be around 5lbs, and her Litter mate Brother(Scraps) is/was even smaller (I don’t know what happened to him), My Rain was/is a deep Black-smoke, but her brother was a true solid black.


                      I know that Kyrin wasn’t talkin to me but it was a good idea! Here is PC next to my Ruby Momma…


                        Oh my, PC’s a big handsome boy! lol He’s wondering why you are disturbing him.


                          For a funny comparison, this is my full grown “mini” cat Sambuca. She is about 7 lbs. She also wanted to know why she was being disturbed. 😆


                            Here is our little Mouse kitty kitty… she is much smaller than PC…

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