My Art

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    Nope that one was all from my imagination, i sat in the garden and drew him out one day 😀 That was almost 2 years ago now, wow how time flies! I’ll have to have ago at something else soon 😀 I prefer painting and drawing to digital work too, but ive yet to have a go at some on the computer.


    Yeah. The big plus of digital art is that it’s fast, easy to correct, and way easier to share than traditional media. I’d like to learn to use it, but I just never put in the time to really figure out the program.


    Ive got Coral painter i think it is? I just need to put it onto the computer. i think the poor thing might explode!


    I’ve got the GIMP. It has so many functions it intimidates me. 😳


    Griffiness, lovely work! I love your dragons (and I’m very picky about dragons)! 🙂


    Have you done anything else Griffiness?

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