My 1st PYO Dragon

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    Ok, well I started painting it blue, but since there were so many at the time I changed it to black. But there are some black ones. haha. Let me know what you think. Any suggestions would be helpful. Sorry, I tried to get better pics but my camera sucks.


    Even from the blurry photos, it looks gorgeous! The blue really stands out. 😀


      Very pretty. I like it a lot. 😀


      The wings look really nice. The first thing he reminded me of was a WWI flyboy with the big flying goggles… 😆


        I love the green and blue! Great job!


          I love the chest. The dragon looks brown to me, so my color must be off. Pretty, though~ 🙂


          It’s brown to me, too – the problem must be the pics. 😕


          I need to get more metallic paints! I want to do one like that but with black (oops, it look brown too me, sorry)!


          Aw, thanks guys. Yeah, I will have to try my other camera and see if that will take better pics. It is actually black.

          Haha, that is funny GB. Maybe that is what I will call him is the Flyboy.


            Wow! Talk about eye popping! Very nice Dragoness!


            😆 eye popping. Ty Nirvana.

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