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  • #542671

      😯 At least it wasn’t a SBD ROFL


        skigod377 wrote:

        Hehehehe… Yes…its often been referred to as an addiction. Do not worry. You are in good (similarly affected) company.

        Ahahahahaha!! Nirvana farted!! *Points*

        ::DIES laughing:: you guys are too funny!

        Problem? Addiction?

        Me??? NAW!!! Never happen!

        “What’s in the box my love?”

        Oh nothing hun! Just more “horse” bodies… nothing special… πŸ˜†

        …. a few days later…

        “Hey my love… where did that dragon come from?”

        Oh hey… I just “unpacked” him… we have more room now… I can bringout more of my collection!

        (little does he know it came in that “body” box…)

        Oh so bad…

        But Tsija… y ou put it JUST right!!! only I’m stuck at WORK rather than home! GAH!!! 😯


        No milk or Soda for me Nirvana. You have to try harder. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


          Lady brooklyn, I do the same thing with my husband!

          Honey, where did that dragon come from?

          Oh, I bought it before we were married. It’s been in storage all this time. Still moving stuff in from my dad’s place…


          I hang out on this forum cause it reminds me that I’m not alone – and not crazy. My husband just doesn’t share or understand the thrill of unwrapping a brand new Windstone.

          But, you know, my complaining about the postman worked. My two Ki-rins just showed up and they are even more beautiful in person than I expected. And, bigger.




            Congratulations on the Kirins, tsija!


            haha, my bf is getting to the point where he says, another one? He told me that I have a addiction..I could of told him that. πŸ˜†

            Congrats on the Ki-Rins.


            I have sadly promised my bf that I would not buy another one until i advance to candidacy. I dont know if I can survive the next two months without buying one–especially if I continue to read this forum!

            πŸ˜€ πŸ™ πŸ˜•


            I made the same promise, but I put a disclaimer on there. If it is a limited or a OOAK then I can buy it. πŸ˜€


            dragonessjade wrote:

            I made the same promise, but I put a disclaimer on there. If it is a limited or a OOAK then I can buy it. πŸ˜€

            I was not smart enough to make that promise. I was trying to calm his fears of my stress related buying. I was going to get around it by if I had to buy something, have a friend hold it for me until I can have it, or send it to my parents house, where I will not visit until I have advanced. πŸ˜€


            gryphondreamer wrote:

            dragonessjade wrote:

            I made the same promise, but I put a disclaimer on there. If it is a limited or a OOAK then I can buy it. πŸ˜€

            I was not smart enough to make that promise. I was trying to calm his fears of my stress related buying. I was going to get around it by if I had to buy something, have a friend hold it for me until I can have it, or send it to my parents house, where I will not visit until I have advanced. πŸ˜€
            haha, that is the way to go. I have thought about sending it to my mom’s house as well. I could then say it was a gift from her. haha


              dragonessjade wrote:

              No milk or Soda for me Nirvana. You have to try harder. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

              I’ll get molases to come out your nose one of these days….or caramel…..or chunks of that chocolate GB is going to sent you ROFLMAO


                And grats on the Ki-Rins! They are SOO Cool!


                  Thanks, everyone! My husband just saw them and he shook his head at me, but he likes them! Now we have a complete family of Ki-rins!


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  No milk or Soda for me Nirvana. You have to try harder. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                  I’ll get molases to come out your nose one of these days….or caramel…..or chunks of that chocolate GB is going to sent you ROFLMAO
                  I will say it once and I will say it again.

                  Bring it.

                  😈 πŸ˜†

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