MSN/Hotmail trouble

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  • #557867

    Time – yes. Self-discipline – maybe. 😆 I still work on French and Russian off and on, and I don’t want to start anything else until I’ve got those pat.


      Damn girl, I could only hope for a child one day that has your discipline. I said once you impressed me…


        starbreeze wrote:

        You take your laptop to bed because it’s nice and warm??? hmmm….there are other ways to keep warm 😈

        Yeah, I could just keep my clothes on. funny that 😀


        Snapdragon wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        You take your laptop to bed because it’s nice and warm??? hmmm….there are other ways to keep warm 😈

        Yeah, I could just keep my clothes on. funny that 😀

        i think she was refering to something warm, fuzzy and enjoyable…like a purring cat on your chest. 😀


          Warm, fuzzy and enjoyable.. like her? 😈


          Snapdragon wrote:

          Warm, fuzzy and enjoyable.. like her? 😈

          her? her being your lucky gf? 😀


            😆 😆 😆


            😆 😆 Keep it up, guys. I’m laughing here. 😆


              I think I’m done with that subject. 😉


              Why? It’s only the second thread that went down that lane.


                I’m not one to flirt heavily with other people’s girls. 8)

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