
Moving update page 8 ;D 100% moved but not unpacked!

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      Hmm, maybe you and I weren’t a secret? πŸ˜• XD


        There always has to be drama. πŸ˜• At least you are out, but its probably totally bugging him that you left him and not visa versa. πŸ™‚ WTG IMO.


          Laurie wrote:

          Hmm, maybe you and I weren’t a secret? πŸ˜• XD

          πŸ˜† πŸ˜† You two are too funny!
          I’m glad you and your son are going to be out of his life, you deserve better
          than how he treated you.


            :scratch: Ummmm….I think some of you misunderstood the situation.
            I’m still living with the ex-BF until I can find a temporary appartment that I can afford while waiting on the other place to be readied in Sept/Oct.
            You all know how long it took me to find the first one so I seriously dought I’ll find something.
            So we are living as roomates.
            I’m considering as an emergency moving in at mom’s and we will make a door for the basement so the animals can stay there. I know it will be cold for the birds so like I said it is only in case of emergency.
            The gossip I heard about me was not dirrectly from him but a friend that was told by one of his friends about it. πŸ˜•
            Frankly I don’t care… as long as we can get along until I move that is what is important to me.
            I don’t know how long this will last but we will see. πŸ˜‰


              Laurie wrote:

              Hmm, maybe you and I weren’t a secret? πŸ˜• XD

              :spank: Naughty girl! XD


                Well I’m glad it’s not quite as bad as I thought 8) Best of luck in managing it all gracefully, and finding a great new pad!


                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  Laurie wrote:

                  Hmm, maybe you and I weren’t a secret? πŸ˜• XD

                  :spank: Naughty girl! XD

                  You just need to forget about Laurie… Bernie is the homewrecker, not Laurie! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

                  Ber… uh, Beckie, yeah, Beckie… Who’s this Bernie you keep hooking up with XD XD XD



                    Laurie wrote:

                    Hmm, maybe you and I weren’t a secret? πŸ˜• XD

                    πŸ˜† Funny.

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3


                      Bad news…I have one month to get out!
                      I was accused of playing him….putting a fortune aside since I’m with him….and so on! I can’t beleive this shit!
                      He’s been listening to gossip and now bang wants me out as soon as possible 😑



                        Well, it’s a good thing you were planning an emergency move to your mom’s…

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          Grrr…I don’t like him 😑 😑 :shout:


                            So much for us being friends! That went down the drain fast! 😑
                            Accused me of not helping him out for him to feed himself…like he make 7-8 times more then I do… πŸ˜• WTF

                            He won’t tell me who said those things he accused me off and he won’t let me defend myself! “Rip my hair out!”

                            I’ve had Michel for 4 days and he accuses me of not looking for a place…asshole I can’t go anywhere!

                            If I have a fortune I would like to know where it is I could sure use it!


                              dragonmedley wrote:


                              Well, it’s a good thing you were planning an emergency move to your mom’s…
                              Problem about my mom’s place is that Michel will not be able to get a bath or a shower because of how it is set up. It’s one of those tub with the step and is hard to get in


                                Oh that really sucks, you don’t want a friend like him anyway BDW, you’ll be better off this way anyway and I just hope that the emergency move to your mom’s is still a go, the way I see it the sooner you leave there the better for you and your son.



                                  Yes I just want this idiot out of my life forever!

                                  Right now I feel so sic to my stomack!
                                  Michel heard him say he wanted us out of here as soon as possible.
                                  You can imagine his reaction…it was a shock!
                                  πŸ˜₯ He keeps on questioning me about where we will go and if Serge can come with us…and if he can bring his photo albums, etc… πŸ™

                                  I’ll never trust anyone else in my life again and sadly that includes my friends. Only 3 people knew about the small amount I had saved for the move.
                                  Oviously someone said something about what little money I had saved up and it was blown out of proportion… the result is us having to move much sooner than anticipated. 😑
                                  You know with the way he is acting It wouldn’t surprise me to come here one day and find all my stuff and the animals outside….

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