
Moving update page 8 ;D 100% moved but not unpacked!

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        Well guys it’s official….I’m as of now single! πŸ™‚

        We just broke up and I need to find a place sooner then september.
        I will still go to the other one in sept/oct but meanwhile I need to find a place.
        We had a good talk and we are leaving eachother as friends…mind you he wouldn’t take the blame for anything and it’s still all my fault. πŸ˜• Oh well can’t change him. I just didn’t say what I really think.
        I even tried to talk about respect and he was getting really mad so I changed the subject.

        We might not have electricity for very long…so you might lose me for a couple of months.
        I will try to get access at some friends house.
        till later… :hi:


          Congrats and take a deep breath that it’s over! πŸ˜€

          I really do hope you find a place in the meantime. September is still a few months away. Good luck, I’ll definitely keep you and your son in my thoughts. πŸ™‚


            Congrats BDW, I know how hard that relationship was on you, I do hope you find a place to move into in the meanwhile, if you need anything you know where to reach me and how to find me… πŸ™‚



              Congrats for separtaing as friends. I don’t know if I could have done that. Good luck finding a place to stay in the mean time.


                I’m glad the break-up was peaceful, for your sake, and I hope you’re able to find somewhere good to stay until the autumn.

                (And I can’t help hoping that some day something batters a sense of reality into his head πŸ‘Ώ )


                  That is AWESOME!! Bask in your new found freedom! Whoo Hoo! I hope you find a place!


                  Good luck on finding a place to live. I hope you find somewhere soon. I wish only good things for your future!



                  Hope you find a new place soon.

                  And I agree. Sense knocked into his head. With something hard! πŸ‘Ώ


                    WHOO HOO!!!!!

                    I’m so happy for you!! I hope you find a place to live in the meantime! Thanks for letting us know! Congratulations!


                      Thanks everyone…I even asked him if he wanted to celebrate πŸ˜€ …gave me the evil eye πŸ˜•


                        Congratulations, I hope you find a place until you can move in to your new place in Sept/Oct.


                        WOW What a big step {Hugs} I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Hope you can find a temporary place soon. Good thing it’s summer coming on (no heat bills) πŸ™‚


                          No sense of humour in that guy! I’m glad everything is out in the open and that you won’t have to sneak out anymore. Call or email if you need anything, ‘kay?

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                            khat7 wrote:

                            WOW What a big step {Hugs} I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Hope you can find a temporary place soon. Good thing it’s summer coming on (no heat bills) πŸ™‚

                            Our heat is the electricity…he ows over $2000 for that alone. πŸ™

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