
Movie Recommendations…

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    dragonlairqueen wrote:

    Well, I’ll just add my two cents. Here are some of my very favorites (and I’ll bet many of you haven’t even heard of some!)

    * Monty Python (pick one…)

    Okay, I had to stop…. ;0)

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies…. remember the psycho bunny? I dressed up like, um… I can’t remember the name, but the guy with the blue and white, and he had a tree on the front… for Halloween last year. Even had the coconut horses 😆 It was great…


      Barrdwing wrote:

      I have to put in a vote for Speed Racer. We finally caught it at a matinee last week, and I was surprised by how much I liked it. 🙂 The garish colors take some getting used to, and don’t sit in the front row unless you’re immune to motion sickness. But there were some very funny bits in there, and overall I wasn’t too upset by the liberties they took with the original storyline. The kid who played Spritle was a howl. If you have a chance to catch this one, it’s a lot of fun.

      I was thinking about seeing this and taking Justin with me.

      Has anyone else seen it? It was number 2 at the BO for a while, so it must be ok.


        Dragon87 wrote:

        Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies…. remember the psycho bunny? I dressed up like, um… I can’t remember the name, but the guy with the blue and white, and he had a tree on the front… for Halloween last year. Even had the coconut horses 😆 It was great…

        Not “psycho bunny”, but “Attack Rabbit”, one of the most hilarious parts of the film! You are dressed as Sir Bevidere the Wise, who has some questionable logic skills, some great lines and is very loyal to Arthur. He is the only one with Arthur at the end, and gets arrested with him. Great pic! You should read the Wiki article about it; it has some fascinating tidbits. :0)


        dragonlairqueen wrote:

        Dragon87 wrote:

        Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies…. remember the psycho bunny? I dressed up like, um… I can’t remember the name, but the guy with the blue and white, and he had a tree on the front… for Halloween last year. Even had the coconut horses 😆 It was great…

        Not “psycho bunny”, but “Attack Rabbit”, one of the most hilarious parts of the film! You are dressed as Sir Bevidere the Wise, who has some questionable logic skills, some great lines and is very loyal to Arthur. He is the only one with Arthur at the end, and gets arrested with him. Great pic! You should read the Wiki article about it; it has some fascinating tidbits. :0)

        We named the bunny a VorpelBunny.

        We have the plushie, he’s cool, turn him inside out and he’s an innocent bunny, turn him the other way and he has massive teeth and looks evil…he’s fun.



        dragonlairqueen wrote:

        Dragon87 wrote:

        Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies…. remember the psycho bunny? I dressed up like, um… I can’t remember the name, but the guy with the blue and white, and he had a tree on the front… for Halloween last year. Even had the coconut horses 😆 It was great…

        Not “psycho bunny”, but “Attack Rabbit”, one of the most hilarious parts of the film! You are dressed as Sir Bevidere the Wise, who has some questionable logic skills, some great lines and is very loyal to Arthur. He is the only one with Arthur at the end, and gets arrested with him. Great pic! You should read the Wiki article about it; it has some fascinating tidbits. :0)

        Whichever, I knew it at the time, but I haven’t seen the movie in awhile (I don’t own it, I just rent it often) so I couldn’t remember names. Like Sir Bevedere the Wise (or not so wise). Colin was brave brave Sir Robin, and a friend was *supposed* to be King Arthur but he forgot that it was Halloween.

        I drew all the stuff on all the costumes (it took me about 3 hours I kept killing the markers).

        If any of you have heard of Excel Saga, our plan next year is to dress up as “Those Men” That Man, This Man, That Man Over There, etc.

        Colin as Sir Robin


          Has anyone seen The City of Ember? I read the first two books and kept saying it would make a great movie. I guess I was right, because now it IS a movie! Unfortunately its only playing at ONE theater within a like, 25 mile radius from me, at odd times, so I haven’t been to see it yet.


          WolfenMachine wrote:

          Has anyone seen The City of Ember? I read the first two books and kept saying it would make a great movie. I guess I was right, because now it IS a movie! Unfortunately its only playing at ONE theater within a like, 25 mile radius from me, at odd times, so I haven’t been to see it yet.

          I actually really liked it. I haven’t read the books so I can’t do a comparison for you but the movie is a really good one if you have kids. I’m probably going to take my nephew to see it.


            For an older but absolutely fantastic movie I highly recommend The Great Race. See if you can find it somewhere and give it a view. It has everything from extremely realistic sword play to an all out hilarious pie fight.

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


              I just saw “Role Models” and that sucker was hilarious!!!


                I’ve seen “Juno” and “27 Dresses” recently. I liked them both a lot.


                The Wedding Dress is a sweet little story, older film and kinda obscure, but still cute.



                I am going to put a vote in for Splinter, a little low budget horror film, but well worth searching for if you like horror flicks.


                  I saw Twilight tonight and I really liked it. I loved the romance to it all.


                    Krabat is not bad.
                    Though there’s some major difference to the book (The satanic mill, Ottfried Preussler, a mus read!)


                    I am not sure if it will be translated into english, as it has been made in Germany (the “home of the book”)

                    about the story:

                    (copypaste, srry, lazy)

                    Set in the early 18th century, the story follows the life of Krabat, a 14-year old Wendish (i.e. Sorbian) beggar boy living in the eastern part of Saxony. For three consecutive nights, he is called through a dream to a watermill near the village Schwarzkollm. Upon heeding the call and arriving at the mill, he begins his apprenticeship as a miller’s man. He soon joins the secret brotherhood, composed of journeymen and apprentices, and discovers that the skill he is meant to learn through this apprenticeship is Black Magic. The first magic powers Krabat acquires are rather harmless, such as the ability to turn himself into a raven. Other peculiarities of this watermill include the lack of any outside visitors, including farmers who would have brought grain. The only visitor to the mill is one Goodman, who may be the devil, although this is never made explicit.

                    The senior apprentice Tonda, Krabat’s best friend and older brother figure, dies, ostensibly of an accident, on New Year’s Eve in Krabat’s first year at the mill. Tonda offers strangely little resistance to his own death. Krabat’s suspicions of foul play are further reinforced when another journeyman and friend, Michal, dies the following New Year’s Eve. He soon realizes that the master is bound in a pact to the Goodman: the master must sacrifice one journeyman every year on New Year’s Eve, in exchange for his powers.

                    Wishing to take revenge for his friends’ death, Krabat secretly trains to increase his magical strength so he can fight the master. His quest is aided by a girl from the nearby village, a church singer, whose name is never mentioned. Krabat learns that to end the spell, his lover must challenge the master for him; then whoever loses the challenge, the master or the two lovers, will die. The master offers Krabat another solution: He will retire and let Krabat inherit the mill, along with the pact to the Goodman; but Krabat refuses to perpetuate the evil pact. So the challenge goes ahead, and the girl’s task is to distinguish Krabat from the rest of the journeymen, all dressed identically and standing motionless in a lineup, while she is blindfolded. She manages to pick him out by the fact that he fears mainly for her life, while the others fear mainly for their own. Ultimately, she rescues Krabat from death, and they and the journeymen escape the mill. The master is left to die in the burning mill on New Year’s Eve, while the survivors lose all their magic powers and are now simply millers who have to provide for themselves through normal hard work.


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    I just saw “Role Models” and that sucker was hilarious!!!

                    i loved it despite all the LARP dorks it was a very funny movie

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