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    i dont hate Bay , just dont like the movies ..i save my hate for others 😈

    anyhoo the new Indy movie was great . a lot of people said it was over the top but thats what Indy has always been boo transformers 😆


    Necron99 wrote:

    i dont hate Bay , just dont like the movies ..i save my hate for others 😈

    anyhoo the new Indy movie was great . a lot of people said it was over the top but thats what Indy has always been boo transformers 😆

    Cool, no spoilers…I have to wait for it to hit DVD, cause the theatre for 5 people is just too expensive, and my 7 year old doesn’t sit still for that long to save his life and the 2 year old is worse, so movie going is just too hard, besides if I’m gonna spend $70 for entertainment type things, I’d rather get sushi!

    No worries on your Bay rant…ya know I lurves ya!



      Kujacker wrote:

      Necron99, I see both sides of the fans and Bay. I watched TF when I was younger too… but you know what? I absolutely adored the new robot designs; Megatron’s especially (and Bay got a lot of crap for Meg’s design). They were not “crummy” in my option (in fact, I probably wouldn’t have liked the movie if they kept the exact same original designs). And it -was- his movie… sadly you can’t change what a big director whats to do. But I think Bay got a lot of crap from this movie just because he changed the robots so much… I think it’s a little lame for the old fans (which I am! Meggy all the way!) to get mad at him for altering the robots designs. When that movie came out that’s all I heard about… the fan boys bitching about the robots. What about the comics books for TF? I own so many I don’t know what to do with them… and they change the designs too. I haven’t heard anyone yelling at the comicbook artists because they changed the designs.
      I personally loved the movie. You have to take it for what it is. You can’t please everyone… and it’s understandable that many people wouldn’t like the movie. TF is a good memory for so many people, it’s understandable that people would want more from it (or were they just expecting too much? Hmmm). I just wouldn’t go as far as to say Bay ruined it.

      I read a report that Shia is returning. So I’m not sure about “no Shia” thing.

      My belief exactly. I’m glad they didn’t keep things original. The original 80-90’s storyline just seemed to be stretching it a little, so I thought the fresh start was a good idea. I love both the old and the new 😀 The old shows were more humorous, whereas the new movie is more serious/adult humor/action.

      Shia is okay, but I’m just starting to see him in so much lately, its kind of getting old. He did a good job in the 1st movie, so hopefully he’ll pull through the second time.


      Kyrin wrote:

      And for a lighthearted fun romp with some good actors, and terrific special effects…Stardust, the feel of the story reminded me strongly of The Princess Bride this is definately a keeper, we’re gonna have to get it for our collection.

      Hysterical, I just recommended it in another thread. Definately a movie to purchase and keep along the side of Princess Bride. IMhO, Stardust is even more comically loaded than Princess Bride.

      Kyrin wrote:

      I have to add Jumper to the list of really good flicks…this is a good movie and features the actor who played Aniken Skywalker as an adult. He’s just as charming in this as he was before he turned to the dark side.

      Even more charming. 😉 We appear to have the same tastes in movies. I rarely have time for them, but with all the rain and lightning storms lately, add in the lack of desire from the root canal, I managed to pick a few winners to add to the video library.

      ddvm wrote:

      Personally I am waiting for Hellboy II (love Ron Perlman)

      What is it about that guy? Ever see him in his debute movie, Quest for fire? There was something about him when I watched it back when.

      I was never much for the boob tube, I just didn’t have the time. So when I learned that he also played the role of the Beast, in the Beauty and the Beast television series, I was mildly surprised. If anyone could pull off the jowly face structure of a lion, he sure could.


        *rubs her chin* Hmm. How could I ignore this thread any longer? I love to collect movies. :}

        My favorite movie ever is definitely A Room With a View. Second to that would maybe be Mansfield Park…then Pride & Prejudice (the new ones). Those are my “romantic” picks, I guess. XD

        Action-wise, I did love the Transformers movie. And Iron Man was great! I will definitely be buying that one. On the gorier end of the action scale, I find Predator entertaining. Sorry, but I love Arnold. >_>; I also liked True Lies a lot. And Conan. My favorite character in the second one is the wild amazon lady whose name I forget. She was a hoot. Love-love-love The Fifth Element, as well.

        Comedies…I love Ace Ventura, Pet Detective 1 & 2. Those and Liar Liar are the only Jim Carrey movies I can stand, except maybe The Mask. I also liked the first two Rush Hour movies.

        Horror-wise, I liked The Grudge. I must have watched that silly movie 10 times. I also liked Disturbia, though that’s more of a suspense/thriller, I think…umm, let’s see…Signs was pretty scary. So I’ll count that.

        Musicals…I love Fred Astaire. My favorite is definitely Daddy Long-legs. And the new Hairspray movie was good. =)

        Family movies…I liked Night at the Museum a lot. Eragon was good. And anything Studio Ghibli. I know there are a lot of others in my collection, but I’d have to get up and go downstairs to look at it to remember. x_x *lazy*


        Yes, I admit it, I have all 3 seasons of Beauty and the Beast on DVD. 😳 But I figure I’m among friends and won’t be mocked. (much) Mostly because of Ron Perlman as Vincent, the beast. He does an amazing job as Vincent – wearing a costume where you can basically just see his eyes. It was my favorite show when it was on – it had great writing.

        And a small rant – hello, you kill of Beauty (Linda Hamilton) at the beginning of the 3rd season? And expect the show to make it? Please. It would have been better to do a Darrin switch then kill off Cathy and replace her with the police detective. Blech. But it was years ago and I’m not bitter. (much)

        *slinks off to watch Hellboy*


        ddvm wrote:

        Yes, I admit it, I have all 3 seasons of Beauty and the Beast on DVD. 😳 But I figure I’m among friends and won’t be mocked. (much) Mostly because of Ron Perlman as Vincent, the beast. He does an amazing job as Vincent – wearing a costume where you can basically just see his eyes. It was my favorite show when it was on – it had great writing.

        And a small rant – hello, you kill of Beauty (Linda Hamilton) at the beginning of the 3rd season? And expect the show to make it? Please. It would have been better to do a Darrin switch then kill off Cathy and replace her with the police detective. Blech. But it was years ago and I’m not bitter. (much)

        *slinks off to watch Hellboy*

        I have all of the Buffy the Vampire Seasons, and am currently working on getting all of the Dr. Who and Torchwood Seasons. I really need to get the original Buffy movie, just to round things out, though personally I prefer the TV series over the movie, if only Sarah had done the movie too I think it would have been better.

        I’d also like to get the rest of Angel, so I can actually see the rest of it, I’ve only seen it up to Season 2.

        I never got to see all of Beauty and the Beast series, though I liked it.

        I need to get Stardust, and Jumper for my collection.



        I just bought Jumper last weekend, and I thought it was an excellent film! 😀
        Also if you want older ones too:
        The Stand
        Independence Day
        Real Genius (I totally agree with Stephanie on that one!)
        One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. 😀


        I have to put in a vote for Speed Racer. We finally caught it at a matinee last week, and I was surprised by how much I liked it. 🙂 The garish colors take some getting used to, and don’t sit in the front row unless you’re immune to motion sickness. But there were some very funny bits in there, and overall I wasn’t too upset by the liberties they took with the original storyline. The kid who played Spritle was a howl. If you have a chance to catch this one, it’s a lot of fun.


          Well, I’ll just add my two cents. Here are some of my very favorites (and I’ll bet many of you haven’t even heard of some!)

          * Princess Bride
          * LadyHawke
          * Dragonheart
          * The Abyss
          * Monty Python (pick one…)
          * Blade Runner
          * Wizard of Oz
          * Blazing Saddles
          * Enemy Mine
          * The Terminator
          * Starman
          * Star Wars (Eps. 4-6, real time 1st 3)
          * Out of Africa
          * Schindler’s List
          * Tootsie
          * Lord of the Rings (all)
          * Memento
          * To Kill a Mockingbird

          Okay, I had to stop…. ;0)


          dragonlairqueen wrote:

          Well, I’ll just add my two cents. Here are some of my very favorites (and I’ll bet many of you haven’t even heard of some!)

          * Princess Bride
          * LadyHawke
          * Dragonheart
          * The Abyss
          * Monty Python (pick one…)
          * Blade Runner
          * Wizard of Oz
          * Blazing Saddles
          * Enemy Mine
          * The Terminator
          * Starman
          * Star Wars (Eps. 4-6, real time 1st 3)
          * Out of Africa
          * Schindler’s List
          * Tootsie
          * Lord of the Rings (all)
          * Memento
          * To Kill a Mockingbird

          Okay, I had to stop…. ;0)

          I have seen all of these, except Schindler’s List and Memento, but I don’t own all of them, but most, we’re missing Blazing Saddles, Starman, Out of Africa, Schindler’s, Tootsie, Memento, To kill, and some of the Monty Python’s are missing.

          But we love them all.

          Right now we’ve got sudden 60 mph winds whipping through here, not sure what the heck caused it, but it’s a bit wild right now, it even blew my heavy doormat off the porch, which hasn’t budged through previous windstorms, so we know this one is wild.



          ddvm wrote:

          Yes, I admit it, I have all 3 seasons of Beauty and the Beast on DVD. 😳 But I figure I’m among friends and won’t be mocked. (much) Mostly because of Ron Perlman as Vincent, the beast. He does an amazing job as Vincent – wearing a costume where you can basically just see his eyes. It was my favorite show when it was on – it had great writing.

          Safe to assume that you haven’t seen him in, Quest for fire? It was his first movie and there is no real way to explain his character or the context of the movie itself except that he was portraying a Caveman, so he was very animalistic. Since you liked him as the Beast and are a fan of his, it’s worth watching it for those factors alone.

          Beauty and the Beast was on the romantic side of things, Chick-flick oriented, guy-groaner, aye? That was a short lived television series right?

          ddvm wrote:

          And a small rant – hello, you kill of Beauty (Linda Hamilton) at the beginning of the 3rd season? And expect the show to make it? Please. It would have been better to do a Darrin switch then kill off Cathy and replace her with the police detective. Blech. But it was years ago and I’m not bitter. (much)

          *slinks off to watch Hellboy*

          Oh … 😯 No wonder the series fell on its face. Agreed, not very smart of them to kill off Beauty. Wasn’t that during the time period when Linda Hamilton went off to do cinema with Schwartzenager in the Terminator?



            ddvm wrote:

            Yes, I admit it, I have all 3 seasons of Beauty and the Beast on DVD. 😳 But I figure I’m among friends and won’t be mocked. (much) Mostly because of Ron Perlman as Vincent, the beast. He does an amazing job as Vincent – wearing a costume where you can basically just see his eyes. It was my favorite show when it was on – it had great writing.

            And a small rant – hello, you kill of Beauty (Linda Hamilton) at the beginning of the 3rd season? And expect the show to make it? Please. It would have been better to do a Darrin switch then kill off Cathy and replace her with the police detective. Blech. But it was years ago and I’m not bitter. (much)

            *slinks off to watch Hellboy*

            Yeah, that part annoyed me too. o.o; So all I bought was the “movie”, which basically condensed the first two seasons (so Cathy doesn’t die). XD

            Also, I love Starman too! That’s a great movie! <3


            Hoofer wrote:

            Oh … 😯 No wonder the series fell on its face. Agreed, not very smart of them to kill off Beauty. Wasn’t that during the time period when Linda Hamilton went off to do cinema with Schwartzenager in the Terminator?


            I thought she left to do the Terminator movie but watching the last couple of episodes she was in she looked like she was pregnant. So I’m not sure if she left because of pregnancy or the movie.


              Transformers ROCKED…

              I am Legend was alright but the ending ticked me off…

              I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry was FUNNY but I wouldn’t buy it…

              Cloverfield was better than I expected…

              The Water Horse… I didn’t care for…

              National Tressure Book of Secerts was good the first one was better…

              I wanna see WALL E… it looks soooooo cute! But I am a sucker for kids movies too! 😉

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