
Movie Recommendations…

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      I love:

      The Princess Bride
      Real Genius
      Pretty Woman



      Umm waiting to see

      X-Files I Want To Believe, July 25 SQUEEEE!!!!!!!

      (I just bought the seasons on dvd so that is all I have been watching, I am most of the way through season 2, my goal is to have them all watched before the movie hits the theater)

      Get Smart, ya I know but I LOVED that damn show and Steve Carrell come on.

      Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 YAY!!!

      As for Batman, I find the slapstick batman movies go back to the original show pretty well, I mean it is not like they were all dark and serious, nor were the original comics.


      I have to add Jumper to the list of really good flicks…this is a good movie and features the actor who played Aniken Skywalker as an adult. He’s just as charming in this as he was before he turned to the dark side.



        If you’re a sci fi movie fan, I’ve got a bunch of recommendations.

        The new Transformers movie is to die for. (I saw it three times in the theater) Lots of action, but it was really fun to sit in the front row anyways.

        Kung Fu Panda was really cute (I like kids’ movies so sue me 😆 ) I’m hoping to go see it again.

        Another cute kids’ movie is the new TMNT.

        An older, but equally good movie, is Hellboy. Get the PSP version (or the unrated) because in the normal release, they left out a lot of good scenes.

        BD 😀


          Transformers was da bomb.


          I can not wait to see the sequel to that either.

          And I have to add Juno, if it was not already mentions, I LOVE Juno, LOL.


          UGh after seeing “Micheal Bays Transformers” i wanted to sew for him destroying an awsome part of my childhood , the story had nothing to do with The Transformers we all loved and totally destroyed thier personallities . I want my Star Scream to be vindictive and backstabbing not some bug who speaks in beeps . Ok done transformers rant

          Anything with Zombies is awsome the more walking corpses the better. 1985’s Return of the living dead is hillarious and the Sequal 1988’s return of the Living Dead 2. They use the same actors who characters died in part one ..brilliant


            BlueDragon wrote:

            If you’re a sci fi movie fan, I’ve got a bunch of recommendations.

            The new Transformers movie is to die for. (I saw it three times in the theater) Lots of action, but it was really fun to sit in the front row anyways.

            Kung Fu Panda was really cute (I like kids’ movies so sue me 😆 ) I’m hoping to go see it again.

            Another cute kids’ movie is the new TMNT.

            An older, but equally good movie, is Hellboy. Get the PSP version (or the unrated) because in the normal release, they left out a lot of good scenes.

            BD 😀

            Wow. I like all the movies you just said 😉 Good tastes! I saw Transformers 11 times in theatres… lol. I want to see Hellboy 2… Abe!


            Necron99 wrote:

            UGh after seeing “Micheal Bays Transformers” i wanted to sew for him destroying an awsome part of my childhood , the story had nothing to do with The Transformers we all loved and totally destroyed thier personallities . I want my Star Scream to be vindictive and backstabbing not some bug who speaks in beeps . Ok done transformers rant

            Anything with Zombies is awsome the more walking corpses the better. 1985’s Return of the living dead is hillarious and the Sequal 1988’s return of the Living Dead 2. They use the same actors who characters died in part one ..brilliant

            A agree with the Transformers thing – I thought it was okay until Bumblebee talked in the end. Dammit, Bumblebee can’t talk and it should have stayed that way! That ruined it for me. I don’t remember enough about the rest of the characters to make a statement though…

            I prefer the one spoof on zombie flicks that I watched, Shawn of the Dead or something? That was entertaining!


              Dragon87 wrote:

              A agree with the Transformers thing – I thought it was okay until Bumblebee talked in the end. Dammit, Bumblebee can’t talk and it should have stayed that way!

              I don’t understand. Why can’t Bumble talk? He talked in the original cartoon… so why can’t he talk in the movie?


                Shawn of the Dead! That was so retarded! 😆


                  Shaun of the Dead was SWEET! Whaddya talking about.


                  Kujacker wrote:

                  Dragon87 wrote:

                  A agree with the Transformers thing – I thought it was okay until Bumblebee talked in the end. Dammit, Bumblebee can’t talk and it should have stayed that way!

                  I don’t understand. Why can’t Bumble talk? He talked in the original cartoon… so why can’t he talk in the movie?

                  yeah thats one thing that bugged me about the movie they say he couldnt talk because of a war wound , but in the cartoon he wouldnt shut up .If they couldnt even fix a voice box what are they doing flying around the galaxie looking for “all spark” .. you know Energon . Bay just screws every thing up he touches , i read an artical how a WWII Vet cried after Pearl Harbor , not because of the subject of the piece but because of how historically inacturate and how little Bay actually knew about the Pearl Harbor raid.

                  Bay wrote on a transformers board a few years back , that I was part of that all of us Fan Boy transformers fans need to F off. This is his movie and he will do what he D*** well pleased .Then every one who didnt like the cospet drawing were banned ..regaurds of Michael Bay who we didnt know owned the site 😆

                  He also posted this on his site http://www.Michaelbay.com . It has since been taken down in place of him idolising himself over Transformers 2 witch should have the same crummy robots ..but at least no Shia LeBuff. It will be called Revenge of the Fallen catchy huh ..like a plauge 😛


                    Necron99, I see both sides of the fans and Bay. I watched TF when I was younger too… but you know what? I absolutely adored the new robot designs; Megatron’s especially (and Bay got a lot of crap for Meg’s design). They were not “crummy” in my option (in fact, I probably wouldn’t have liked the movie if they kept the exact same original designs). And it -was- his movie… sadly you can’t change what a big director whats to do. But I think Bay got a lot of crap from this movie just because he changed the robots so much… I think it’s a little lame for the old fans (which I am! Meggy all the way!) to get mad at him for altering the robots designs. When that movie came out that’s all I heard about… the fan boys bitching about the robots. What about the comics books for TF? I own so many I don’t know what to do with them… and they change the designs too. I haven’t heard anyone yelling at the comicbook artists because they changed the designs.
                    I personally loved the movie. You have to take it for what it is. You can’t please everyone… and it’s understandable that many people wouldn’t like the movie. TF is a good memory for so many people, it’s understandable that people would want more from it (or were they just expecting too much? Hmmm). I just wouldn’t go as far as to say Bay ruined it.

                    I read a report that Shia is returning. So I’m not sure about “no Shia” thing.


                    Hey, no taking over my thread and going on two page rants about Transformers! :spank:

                    One, I happened to like that movie, and two, while the producer may or may not be a complete asshat, nothing based on something else is ever going to please ALL of the fans, so no point in beating a dead horse about it.

                    No one is perfect and every creative effort is going to result in successes or failures of varying degrees, making a statement that ALL of a person’s work is shit, is unfair, because if it were true, their work wouldn’t be successful at all.

                    Don’t take things personally when it comes to moviemaking…hating some guy cause he didn’t do something the way you think it should be done is crazy. Be irritated with him, or annoyed or something, but not hateful…hate is for things that really cause serious emotional or physical harm to you or those you love on an up close and personal level, not something this trivial.

                    Anyway, this is supposed to be a FUN thread, no raining on it! 🙄

                    Love ya Danny, but really…get a grip, it’s just a movie. :kiss:


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