Moved! (update, page 2)

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    What they said. Merry Christmas! (And I can’t wait to see more Windstones painted by you. :D)


      😀 Congrats Jen and I hope the move goes smoothly!
      In case we don’t hear from you…
      Merry Christmas!

      🙂 I’m looking forward to seing new stuff you paint even if I won’t be able to afford it.

      We’ll miss ya while you are offline and try our best to behave…honnest! 😈


      Yay! I am so excited for you guys! Your own house, I remember when we got ours and moved in, 2 years later I am still so jazzed we own this place. It’s a really great feeling knowing you will be there always. Well most likely anyway. 🙂



        Congrats Jen! Hope the previous owners liked their house warming gift! 😀


          Yay!!! You’ll be in your home for Christmas!!! That’s wonderful!!! Congrats!!! 😀


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            Congrats Jen! Hope the previous owners liked their house warming gift! 😀

            I dunno yet!! We can’t get a hold of them… they weren’t at the closing like we thought they would be. We tried contacting their real estate agent to see if she can give them the gift. The only thing they left us was a very dirty house. :/

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              That wasn’t nice of them leaving you a dirty house. Was it like that at your final walkthrough?


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                That wasn’t nice of them leaving you a dirty house. Was it like that at your final walkthrough?

                Our final walkthrough was the day before closing, and yes. We weren’t going to raise a huge fuss though since nothing is damaged and we want to move in ASAP. I’ll be scrubbing the kitchen for a few days though! Nothing is gross (outside of you know, food residue and crumbs all in the kitchen), but you can tell they made no effort to clean anything when they moved out.

                I can’t be mad though, since they made a doubletime effort to move out as quickly as possible so we could close on time. Still, you’d think 60 days’ notice would be enough! o_o

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  60 days goes by a LOT faster when you are actually living in them


                  Congratulations! Its great that you’re able to celebrate Christmas at your new house!

                  Its a bummer that the previous owners didn’t make more of an effort to clean things up. I hope everything else has been going well, and I can’t wait to see your pieces on Ebay again! 🙂


                  I hate when people leave their house a total mess for the next person to clean… when our renters moved out of our other house (just took off in the middle of the night, ugh) they left blood stains all over the entire house. 😮 Ewww.


                    We are moved!

                    Moved, but not totally unpacked. All of my art supplies are still soundly boxed and I have no idea where a lot of my things are. So while I am moved and do indeed have my computer and the internet working again I am not exactly ‘back’ … I have a lot of email to go through, unpacking to do, and other misc stuff to do before I am plugging away at art full swing again. Thank you all so much for your patience! As soon as I can get to them I will start printing labels for the books that were ordered as well.

                    So, in a nutshell, I will still be scarce! But I am alive XD

                    Moving was an experience let me tell you. Now I have moved once a year for the last 7 years and this move was both the smoothest move yet and the worst move yet! Smoothest because we got nearly everything big moved in the Uhaul in one day, thanks to my mom and dad’s generous help! Worst because of the weather… the night before it had snowed over 14″ at our new house… snow on top of sheet ice. In order to even get into the 300 foot long driveway with the Uhaul, we had to clear the snow somehow. So my husband and I bit the bullet and got a snowblower (owch, very expensive… more than a new Secret Keeper, and of course this time of year we couldn’t find a used one). Supposedly my father-in-law is going to help us pay for it as a Christmas gift, which I am eternally grateful for as otherwise I have no idea how we would do so. So we moved, in the ice and snow and slush. It is a miracle no one was seriously injured, though I know both my husband and I ended up on our butts in the ice a few times, luckily without any furniture landing on us. Add in -20°F windchills and it was pretty miserable. I put down tarps in the house to try and save my new floors but alas we still managed to track in every bit of snow, mud, rock salt and sand that existed outside…. I spent most of my day Saturday just scrubbing the heck out of the floors.
                    And thus, as with any move, began the sea of boxes.

                    – Money of course… getting started in a new place is so, so expensive. There are a ton of one-time expenses, and many reoccurring (bills) of course. We haven’t gotten any bills yet for utilities or whatnot. The one-time getting started expenses are really stacking up though. We planned and saved but no amount of planning or saving can cover all the stupid things that you never think about and yet find yourself needing! Not to mention that there were a lot of ‘hidden’ costs in our closing costs. It is nice to know that they are going into equity but for now it sure does sting!!
                    – Stinky Water. Really stinky hot water. We are in the country now, outside of city limits for the first time in my life *shimmy!* yaaay! But while our well water is great, it seems to be having a lovely party in our 20 year old hot water tank. From what the husband and I understand the bacteria that create the sulfur smell (like hard boiled eggs mixed with super fart odor) thrive in an oxygen deprived environment. It’s not harmful in the least to drink (though one should not drink hot water from an old hot water tank anyhow) or breathe but dude. It is pungent. We think our tank is so old and it can’t get hot enough to kill the bacteria. Also, I ran out of hot water last night when trying to bathe. Not cool. So there is another expense we will tackle as soon as we can… new hot water tank. And we’ll hope it clears things up.
                    – A bit chilly. The house is a bit cold. We keep it around 58°F or less because quite frankly we are afraid we won’t be able to afford the costs of heating if we crank it up any higher. This is easily combat able by wearing slipper and a nice heavy shirt though! And I can sit in front of the coal stove and be as cozy as can be… 😀

                    GOOD THINGS!:
                    – Overall this place is just so awesome. I mean heck I am surrounded by woods… check out the view from most of the windows in my house!

                    All the snow melted yesterday!

                    – Light! Lots of light. Lots of windows and open airy rooms. This is great. One thing I hated about apartment living was lack of windows. Felt like I was in a cave and it was way depressing. Not so, here!!
                    – Wildlife! We can see that we get a ton of wildlife here. The snow tracks do not lie! Deer romp in my yard all the time and I can see where we’ve had all manner of small and furry critters such as rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, etc etc. And the birds! I have a huge flock of blue jays that visit me, and crows, and nuthatches and chickadees and titmice and robins and pileated woodpeckers even. And that’s all just what I have happened to glimpse out the window while busy unpacking! I know that once I have time to actually WATCH for them I will see more.

                    I only have one bitty recycled plastic feeder right now with generic seeds but once I can afford it I’ll have different feeders with better seeds… Bad photos are bad. I’ll get better ones eventually!

                    – Coal Stove. I love this little thing. It’s not quite as brainless and ‘forget about it’ as a normal heating system, but man! We’ve turned off our ancient forced air heat furnace and are using the coal stove as our main heat source. When I learned this house had a coal stove, I was beset with mental images of dirty soot and black smoke and environmental destruction and saddness. Then I researched it… and found that this type of stove and the type of coal it burns is totally different than commercial coal burning. Anthracite coal is second only to natural gas in how clean and efficient it burns, much to my surprise. In terms of environmental impact it’s cleaner than oil burners, wood burners and propane burners. It’s wildly efficient and takes only a small amount of coal to keep our house at temperature. Not to mention it’s wildly wonderful to camp in front of the stove if you’re feeling chilly and read a book! With the amount of money it would cost us to heat the house with our natural gas furnace in one month, we can buy about two months worth of anthracite coal. Not to mention that it’s locally mined which is one of those little ‘feel good’ things in knowing that I’m paying for local jobs.
                    – Space! I have room to not only breathe again, but do some work. Awesome!! This is a very new thing for me as I’m used to working in very cramped areas… now I can paint Windstones again! Even the big guys. I have a lap and an OW blank kicking around here, in a box somewhere… 😀
                    – Close to mu husband’s work… he only has a 10 minute commute. Much better than the hour+ commute just to go 12 miles when we were in GA!
                    – Everything else! Yay!!

                    Well, back to work with me… still have a lot of unpacking to do so I can get some real work done.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                    My art:


                      Glad to see you are almost done Jen…we miss you.
                      All that lighting and windows will be good for your art!
                      And the surroundings are great…notting like nature!
                      You are really in your element. 😀


                        that’s really cool Jen.. I’m happy for you


                        It sounds great, Jen, even if the former owners left behind a dirty house. The pictures are neat, especially that little bird hanging upside down.
                        I can’t wait to see more work of yours on E-Bay and DA… And one of these days I’ll get around to commissioning or at least buying something from you. 😉

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