Hiya Ms.Melody,I was just on DA and saw the gorgeous sand Mother Coiled you said you painted one of.I see where you said it is tough to paint the sand coloration but maybe,could you please,one day,make a batch of these?She just looks so serene in that color.Maybe?One day?Thanx.
It’s a beautiful color, but gad, such a pain to paint! The only way to do these would be to paint a big batch, and repaint all the glitchy/ splatty ones some other, darker color. I did this with the palomino and buckskin equines. Maybe a color similar to this can be made using opaque paint that can be repaired, but I’m sure it wouldn’t look the same. Opaque “sand” color looses it’s golden hue, and looks more like a butterscotch latte. Not that that’s a bad thing.