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      Jennifer wrote:

      Asses are so cool though! I really like wild African asses too.


      That would make a neat hoofer! πŸ™‚


        Dreaming Tree Studio wrote:

        Why don’t you try casting the SK’s in Resin? Reynolds(Smooth-On) company supplies both the white type as well as the Ultra-black Onyx type. The weight will be cut in half if not more! And it is still easily carved once cast. I have the URL to the company…I get my supplies from them as well. http://www.smooth-on.com/Urethane-Plastic-a/c5_1120/index.htmlThis material is ideal for larger molds, and castings.

        I know, I’d LOVE to be able to use resin, not only is it lighter but it is stronger too… it would be possible to do real LEGS, and TAILS that I can’t do now πŸ˜₯ .
        Though the “blob” look is sort-of our thing.
        Anyway, the reason we don’t use resin is because we are stupid tree hugging bleeding heart liberal hippies. Resin is not eco friendly and It is toxic in its uncured state. Resins have gotten much safer and better since we first researched casting materials when Windstone was started, so I still hold out hope that someday we can abandon our moral compass and use it …just a little? just for horses, and hippogriffs and centaurs and cats? maybe?
        Almost ALL the other figurine companies use resin or vinyl now ( ‘cept for Hagen-Renaker and the other ceramic ones ).
        And I die with envy- they got LEGS!!! unless they are sculpting seaslugs,of course..


          Melody wrote:

          We don’t have any more , well, except I have ONE unpainted SK left.

          I’d be more than happy to take this one. πŸ˜€


            I would also LOVE to have a peacock SK to finish my set squeek* I cant complain though I did get the #2 Forest Plum SK (because people seemed to hate it and not many bid on her) πŸ˜• I LOVE her πŸ˜€ I really want and would take production SK’s in any form πŸ™

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