Hi Melody, it’s Ethan one of the twin dragons. I was wondering if there will be any more butternut poads? Sean and I were wondering if you could paint a poad with racing stripes? Thank you.
Hi Melody, it’s Ethan one of the twin dragons. I was wondering if there will be any more butternut Poad™s? Sean and I were wondering if you could paint a Poad™ with racing stripes? Thank you.
twin dragon #1I don’t have many poads to paint right now, but when I do have another batch I’ll probably make them a new color. Racing stripes? Poads don’t race! They are aerodynamic in shape, but they don’t run very fast.
Feel free to fill my home with Poads! Anytime you want they are the cutest things! I currently have 2 Poads and am working on getting another from someone–the one strange thing that I noticed around these little guys is that pizza seems to disappear rather quickly! Like one moment it’s there and the next–vamooose! Hmmmmmmm, may account for the rounded butts! XD