More pics! SO CUTE!

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      whippetluv wrote:

      Oh My… Thats great!


        foxfeather wrote:

        whippetluv wrote:

        Oh My… Thats great!

        That is priceless!!! I think that should be Melody’s new siggie!

        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Awesome pic, whippet. You’re so inventive. 😆 😆 😆


        whippetluv wrote:

        Ha! Thats so cute! 🙂


          Too funny Whippet!


            I just about choked on my cookie when I read WARK! lol

            I got this picture of a griffin squaking like a chocobo.

            Grif but! CUUUUTE!


              You are toooo creative Whippet – that rules: -)

              The griff chick is adorable. I’m not a big fan of the black golds, but that curlie is sweet! I’m glad I ordered one.


                KoishiiKitty wrote:

                I just about choked on my cookie when I read WARK! lol

                I got this picture of a griffin squaking like a chocobo.

                Grif but! CUUUUTE!

                Hehehehehehe Chocobos…..The really bad part? When I first got the sitting chick, I went running around the house chasing after Louis with it yelling WARK!!!!! ROFLMAO Even better was I was in a really depressed mood the other night and Louis had a pic of the chick on his screen and said to me….”Wark?” Priceless 😆


                  Oh gosh that got me laughing. hahahaha. oh boy. I could just imagine that as I read it…..and it is funny because that is something I would have done too.
                  I did something simaler when I got my young dragon. My sister and I were looking at it and she siad,”he looks like he is ready to bite any one that is going to get thier finger too close to him.” and in turn i held him up and siad.” Rawwrrrrrr! Rawwr!” in this teeny scratchy voice. After that I was saying Rawwwr rawwr for a while.

                  Chokobos came to mind because when FF7 came out, what me and my sister loved to do was breed the Chocobos…and when you would go up to there stalls they would say WARK! and they even had it typed just like that on the game. Some my sister and I were always going up to the stallls just to here then make thier Warking squak. So when I read Wark, the only thing I could think of were these chocobo’s all squaking..and then the idea of a Griffin swuaking like a chocobo was just even funnier and I was sitting here laughing outloud as I had this image of a little griffin chick sitting there going ” Wark!Wark!”


                  Those are funny and great. I haven’t even gotten a invoice for mine yet.
                  Love the siggie Whippet.


                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  foxfeather wrote:

                  whippetluv wrote:

                  Oh My… Thats great!

                  That is priceless!!! I think that should be Melody’s new siggie!

                  Ha ha! Im actually laughing out loud over here!



                    I just got my chick, bg curl and poad. My poad card says “they communicate with soft popping sounds that are not made with their mouths” 😯 And I loved the little “extra in the box” haha


                    wolflodge100 wrote:

                    I just got my chick, bg curl and poad. My poad card says “they communicate with soft popping sounds that are not made with their mouths” 😯 And I loved the little “extra in the box” haha

                    I know the popping thing made me giggle too. Dude you western people drive me crazy all knowing what the “extra” is…and not telling. How mean. 😆


                      If you realy need to know, I can PM ya 😆


                        wolflodge100 wrote:

                        I just got my chick, bg curl and poad. My poad card says “they communicate with soft popping sounds that are not made with their mouths” 😯 And I loved the little “extra in the box” haha

                        I seriousely was laughing out loud after reading that one.

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