More Grab Bag Youngs?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody More Grab Bag Youngs?

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      Hi Melody!

      I think I read somewhere on the forum that there weren’t going to be any more grab bag young unicorns made but I didn’t know if it was just hearsay or truth.

      So, I’m asking you! Are there plans to make any more grab bag unicorn batches? Particularly the youngs, but the babies as well.

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      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        I’m curious, too! I’m lovin’ the grab bags! :love: Are there any other critters that may be in a grab bag in the future? Maybe baby pegasus? I would like to start collecting pegasus families too, these grab bags are a great gateway!


          Are there any other critters that may be in a grab bag in the future?

          Grab bag baby Poads ™?



          Are there any other critters that may be in a grab bag in the future? Maybe baby pegasus? I would like to start collecting pegasus families too, these grab bags are a great gateway!

          /drool Grab bag baby pegasi would be adorable, I totally squeak for that! I only have one pegasus, but I am sure he’d like a family.

          …though the best grab bag item EVER would be fledgling dragons :love: they’re kinda like young unicorns…right?


            Grab bag gothic unicorns are my wish 🙂


              I think more grab bag anything would be amazing. It’s so exciting to have the surprise, plus getting a special piece so lovingly painted by Melody…it means a lot!

              Thank you, Melody! 😀


              Grab Bag Baby poads would be absolutely fantastic 🙂


                Last I heard, they were out of horns for the youngs, males and grand unis-but that was weeks or a month ago. They may have more now if they got the gold plating issue solved (which I heard through the grapevine that they did)


                  Yes, I will make some more GB young unicorns, not sure when, but I will.
                  You want more babies too?? OK.


                    GB young Poads ™ are more difficult than unicorns, but with all of the test paints I’ve accumulated, it might be possible.
                    I have the first store batch of young poads almost ready to go in the store. Just need to complete the card that goes with them.


                      Personally, I’m squeaking for more youngs! Especially with funny eye colors like periwinkle/lavender, teal, blue, orange etc. etc.

                      Wampus Dragon

                        I’ll add my squeak for more young unicorns. Especially solid colors like chestnut, liver, buckskin, dun etc etc!


                          Yes, I will make some more GB young unicorns, not sure when, but I will.
                          You want more babies too?? OK.

                          Woo hoo!! Thanks Melody!

                          I love the blue/lavender/red eyed ones too (which is saying something since normally I hate the red eyes)! And also if you think of doing a few extra liver chestnut type colorations when you get around to making these I know a few forum members have been looking for them!

                          Thanks very much!!

                          Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                            I have the first store batch of young poads almost ready to go in the store. Just need to complete the card that goes with them.

                            YAAAAAAAAAAY!! I can’t wait to see what color you chose!!


                              I have the first store batch of young poads almost ready to go in the store. Just need to complete the card that goes with them.

                              YAAAAAAAAY!! :party: :party: :party:

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