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      Dragon Master wrote:

      Nambroth wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      More then the price I’m curious on how they would come up with a number if they sell them direct, as I have stated elsewhere

      Probably the same way they come up with a price on anything else they sell driect. 🙂
      which is what method. I’m curious about the method not the actual number. They have NEVER explained that method to us

      I dont think they have a method. Maybe just guessing. She (Melody) did say they usually just come up with a price right before they are listed. They probably just figure what it costs to make them and then add some on for profit. Thats my guess, anyway. 🙂


        Don’t be mad, DM. I’m not. It’s just that most companies don’t like to explain to the buyer how they set their prices. I know I don’t. When I go to conventions I sometimes have people ask me what I paid for something, and it really should have no bearing on whether they want to buy it or not. It makes me feel guilty that I’m making money on it. And I’m certainly not in business to break even, or give someone a deal at my own expense. I need to pay for my bills, and since I’m a sole proprieter, I need to pay for things like car insurance and house payments too. I don’t really think it’s any of our business how Melody and Co. set their prices and what factors they use to figure it out. It could cause resentment, and I’d rather not have resentment.

        Maybe I say things kind of bluntly, but I’m a straight-forward person. I don’t sugar-coat anything, so please don’t be offended if my responses seem blunt. I’m not scolding you, or crucifying you. I just don’t think we need to know that answer.


          I was also thinking(as far as pricing and maintain value, signed SK’s vs. production) and i am not sure if any one has mentioned this yet…

          Look at the OW. the new colors being let out on ebay go for over 1,000 too.

          but the production ones still remain at well under that..
          and if they were to produce OW’s in some of the new colors ..would they sell them for the ebay price? and would the production price affect the worth of the ones wold on Ebay?

          not at all, there is a huge difference between Limited Editions and Production. the ones on Ebay are Limited Editions and because of that they will maintain their value no matter what the production pieces go for. be it an OW or a SK, Limited editions will never be reproduced in large quantities like the production pieces..and if you were to resell your piece on ebay, you bet people would go nuts trying to snag it.


            Yeah, when it comes to pricing, there’s all kinds of things that go into it.

            My pricing is this complicated mess of materials + time + how much I like something + how much others are charging + how busy I am.

            I doubt Windstone could explain exactly how they price things even if they wanted to.

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